Cross of Hope rises at Van Stadens Bridge

Vision to stop bridge suicide jumps

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The raising of the cross in photos!

A 14m high steel cross, dubbed the ‘Cross of Hope’ was erected opposite Van Stadens Bridge this week, marking a giant step forward in a campaign to deter suicide jumps from the 140m-high bridge west of Port Elizabeth.

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“We are terribly excited. A huge team of us have put in a lot of blood, sweat, tears, effort and money into it [the cross project] for six solid months,” said project visionary and coordinator, Robbie Hift, after a technical team succeeded in the tricky operation of mounting the cross on top of a steel pedestal that was erected in March.

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“This victory has not come easily. But when God is behind something, somehow a way always comes up, because He is a waymaker. We believe that with God, all things are possible! This cross will be a huge encouragement to all people of all nations who cross the N2 freeway, and as part of that vision it will make people think twice about jumping off that bridge because there is hope in Jesus.”

The owner of the land where the cross stands, said yesterday that two years ago he had thought about putting up a cross there because of the many suicide jumps from the bridge. “But I never got to do anything about it. So the day that Robbie walked in and shared his vision, it was easy for me to say ‘Let’s go for it’”

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Since Hift began sharing his God-inspired vision to erect a giant cross opposite Van Stadens Bridge, many companies and people have rallied behind the project, providing, material, equipment and expertise needed to make it happen. The next stage is the construction of a base with 2m high letters spelling ‘Jesus Loves You’, solar-powered illumination, security and a project website.

Sponsors needed to carry on the project
However, Hift says there is an immediate, urgent need for sponsorship as we go into phase two of the project. This is to prepare concrete foundations for the steel framework that will house the giant letters JESUS LOVES YOU. Anybody who wants to help with this need can contact Hift at

True to form, sponsors came forward in time to meet last-minute needs required to erect the cross on top of the mountain. NJO du Plessis Building Contractors lent the heavy duty 10 ton forklift for the operation and a businessman and St Nicholas Anglican Church in Port Elizabeth sponsored the transport of the forklift to the site. A 20 ton truck was needed!

Commenting on the construction of a steel pedestrian barrier that is currently underway on the Van Stadens Bridge, Hift said it was an example of God’s timing and attention to detail. The barrier, which is designed to prevent suicide jumps is being built by the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) following a lobbying campaign by  Friends of Van Stadens Bridge Trust (FOVSBT).


  1. Dankie dat daar Christene is wat omgee vir ander. Mag nie net lewens deur die kruis gered word nie maar ook siele vir Jesus

  2. Hannetjie Vorster

    Dit is net Jesus en Sy kruisdood wat kan red, heelmaak en herstel. Mag hierdie kruis elkeen diep raak wat dit raaksien! Dankie Jesus vir U groot genade en barmhartigheid en liefde!

  3. Agnes Roberts

    Praise God that there are still people who care. A big thank you to everyone who was involved In this project. I pray that showers and showers of BLESSINGS fall on each and every person involved. Thank you God Bless. Luv Agnes

  4. This famous bridge now has a very “FAMOUS GOD” watching over the area. JESUS,the Hope of Glory will give Hope to those in need.

  5. God is groot en sit op die troon!!Dankie Jesus vir n sagmoedige gees!

  6. Charlie Parsons

    Absolutely GREAT. Before the “spirit of death” hovered over Van Stadens…NOW the SPIRIT of HOPE(JESUS) is present and may those who contemplate suicide be “TOUCHED” by this same Spirit of Hope…well done guys may God BLESS you guys for your caring spirit. Charlie Parsons(Suicide councilor)

  7. Dankie vir julle wat tyd en geld in hierdie projek gesit het. Mag God julle in oorvloed seën!! Julle is ‘n groot inspirasie en voorbeeld van hoe om ander te dien.

  8. Robby Robertson

    Mag elkeen wat daardie kruis sien sy/haar lewe aan ons Verlosser Jesus Christus gee. Dankie aan almal wat betrokke was met die oprigting daarvan en mag God julle ryklik seën.robby

  9. This is our Wonderful God’s love in action. A huge Thank You to all those involved and thank you Lord Jesus for your Great gift of Salvation. His work is finished the Cross is empty. May our Heavenly Father bless you all.

  10. johannes gelderbloem

    When God is in control,there is hope.There is power,healing,salvation in the name of Jesus,to break every chain

  11. Bless you all and thank you to our home church St Nicholas

  12. New harvest of souls for Jesus Christ a possibility now at Van Stadens Bridge. May it be a huge harvest!

  13. Eljo Engelbrecht

    Kom elke Christen bid dat wanneer mense hierdie kruis sien, hulle sal uitroep na Jesus en Hom sal leer ken as hul Verlosser. Hemelse Vader laat U heilige doel hiermee geskied.

  14. May everyone who is assailed by the spirits of depression and suicide and seek a ‘solution’ on that bridge have a significant and divinely orchestrated encounter with the Saviour, Jesus Christ right then and there. This is my prayer ! – Thank you and blessings upon each one who was involved and obedient to the Lord’s leading in erecting the cross- your labour will not have been in vain !!

  15. Gods rykste seen op jul gehoorsaamheid en harde werk! Mag dit almal wat daarvan hoor ook hoop gee in die liefde van Jesus en die beloftes van ons Vader. Shalom! Soli deo Gloria!

  16. Well done…praise The Lord!! We pray and believe He will save souls and bless our nation!!

  17. Surprisingly notice it when out motorbike riding, wonderful when looking up & notice it. Yes it’s always valueble to ‘look up’ to Jesus!

  18. This is wonderful news. Oh how I wish this could have happened much sooner….maybe my brother would still be with us today…..I believe that he has something to do with it too. His death (no87) was perhaps to inspire this project. To save the lives of future depressed individuals. I praise you Lord. God Bless the people involved here. And a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

  19. Andre Rautenbach

    Dankie aan almal met die oprigting,hierdie kruis sal lewens en sielle red vir GOD

  20. All things are possible, what a mighty God we serve. May God bless all who see the cross before them at the bridge.

  21. May “they”, the desperate, look at that Cross b4 they jump and know that Jesus loves them and that it s not the way to go……in Jesus name i pray Amen.

  22. Ruth Jones- Leverment

    MAY EVERY Person who goes to the Bridge out of HOPELESNESS, leaves that same Bridge, filled with NEW HOPE AFTER looking UP AT THE CROSS, being reminded of our Lord Jesus, the GIVER OF HOPE.
    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE INVOLVED even in the smallest way. GOD BLESS U! Love! Ruth.

  23. Pingback: – Cross Of Hope Rises At Van Stadens Bridge

  24. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! What would we do without our Saviour Jesus Christ….sorry I don’t hve money to give u guys, I pray for u all the time, God will tell persons [able to] to give, give. Kindly let me know what is happening also when ur project will be done? Thank u all!! In the name of our Lord.

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