Cyclists prayer walking at Karoo Mighty Men after 1 550km ride

ct cyclists
Clyde Gleeson-Hoffman, Alan Robins and Charles Mathews during their epic cycle trip from Cape Town to the Karoo Mighty Men Conference, via the It’s Time national prayer day near Bloemfontein.

Three friends have cycled 1 550 kilometres from Cape Town to the It’s Time National Day of Prayer in Bloemfontein and on to the Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC).

They arrived at KMMC on Wednesday and immediately relaxed and rested their weary muscles in the freedom of the Karoo silence keen for the conference to begin.

Sanctified ground
In the meantime the three friends have joined others who have arrived early prayer-walking the perimeters of the venue and enjoying the sanctified ground, which
Clyde Gleeson-Hoffman says feels to him like holy ground.

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This is Clyde’s third KMMC, but the first time he has travelled to the event by bicycle.

I wanted to cycle last year, but developed a pain in my chest and thought it unwise to cycle in that condition.

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When I arrived at KMMC last year I really wasn’t feeling well, but the Lord touched my physical body and healed me when I went up to the cross on the koppie to pray.

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Caring motorists stopping and serving the cyclists cold drinks.

This year two friends offered to join me cycling to KMMC. However, the It’s Time National Day of Prayer came up and we wondered how we would fit both events in.

At the end of the day we decided to cycle to both events.”

Clyde was joined by Alan Robins and Charles Mathews on their great cycle trek.

What has stood out on the trip is the friendliness, and generosity of the people we met along the way. Farmers, truck drivers, and taxi drivers have all been so accommodating.

People stopped next to us along the road and gave us ‘droe wors’ and ice-cold Energade, farmers invited us to stay the night in a warm, comfortable bed, so our build-up to the It’s Time National Day of Prayer was phenomenal.

Once we get out onto the road people just made it an unforgettable experience. Although we had no needs and were self-sufficient, people contributed freely and provided. It was all about our country, all about our people standing together.

Although many people have said they left the It’s Time event much more hopeful for the country, our hope had been boosted along the way before even getting to Bloemfontein, because of the kindness and generosity we experienced along the road.

We are going forward and upward from hope to hope. That is what God is doing in our lives, picking us up and lifting us higher in hope in Him. It is a very exciting time to be in and part of,” says Clyde.

He says his two team members have just amazed him.

I have some cycling background having done a full iron man and a trans-Baviaans Kloof endurance race as well as other cycling events.

However, I have never done anything as tough as this and my team mates who are both older than me, are not endurance athletes and only started cycling a couple of months before our departure from Cape Town, have handled the journey without complaint.

I have gained the deepest respect for these two guys, as friends, colleagues, team mates, and brothers in Christ. They have achieved an amazing accomplishment.

Maybe there’s a parallel between what they have done and what was done at It’s Time on the 22nd April, because both were a supernatural coming together that didn’t seem possible in our own strength. Alan and Charles are both 50-years-old, had not cycled before and Alan is a big guy weighing about 110kg, yet they got on their bicycles and cycled 1 550km.

People that know Alan said it is impossible and he would never be able to make it. They said he didn’t understand the distances involved, but here it is he’s made it.

This trip has taught us not to listen to what other people think of us or be influenced by negative pronouncements.”

As Angus said, “But God”, in His strength we can do all things.

Clyde admits they were sore daily and very tired at times, but every morning they woke up feeling fresh and ready to ride 100km-plus.

By the end of the day you feel like you can’t go another 10km, but our bodies are an amazing vessel and machine God gave us to accomplish His will and then with the Holy Spirit empowering us there are no limitations to what our bodies can accomplish. They just adapt and seem to say: ‘I can do more’.”

He says all the trio’s expectations of attending the It’s Time gathering were met beyond imagination.

Now, they are looking forward to KMMC.

I have this immense sense of being on holy ground. I keep on wanting to take my shoes off. There is such an amazing feeling of the Lord’s presence already.”

Clyde’s next mission is to join Esther Badenhorst, who has walked the length and breadth of the country creating a virtual cross and praying over the country, on a cycle trip from East London to Cape Town praying for all the farmers.

KMMC 2017 will take place from Aprill 28t to 30l on the outskirts of Middelburg in the Eastern Cape on Renosterfontein Farm. For more information contact Ruthi van der Merwe at (M) 082 857 7839 (F) 049 842 3310 e-mail: website:

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