Declare this over our youth! — Marian Fitz-Gibbon

Reset Time
The word of God is a two-edged sword and the book in the above picture has been a faithful sword that I have wielded in many a battle.

God has been faithful and true to His Word because He is full of love and kindness and He is a Father.

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When I heard the horrific figures of unemployment and the futures facing our youth a battle cry rose in my heart: “Not on my watch.”. I cannot straighten a path, but I know one who can, I cannot open a door, but I know one who can.

I ask every mother and father, grandmother, gogo, grandfather, baba to please read the declaration below over your children.

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Father God will turn this helpless situation around because He is a Father of love. This is a turnaround time. A reset time.

“Father, in Jesus name, we believe and confess your Word over the youth of South Africa today knowing that You watch over Your Word to perform it. Your Word prospers in the Youth of South Africa whereinto it is sent. Father, You are the source of consolation, comfort and encouragement to the youth of South Africa and because of You they grow in courage and strength.

“Our South African youth’s desire is to owe no man anything but to love Him. Therefore, they are strong, and they do not let their hands be weak or slack, for work shall be rewarded to them. Their wages are not counted as a favour or a gift, but as something owed to them. Our youth make it their ambition and definitely endeavour to live quietly and peacefully, minding their own affairs, and to work with their hands so that they bear themselves becomingly. Our youth are correct and honourable and command the respect of the outside world, being self-supporting, dependent on nobody and having need of nothing for You, Father, supply to the full their every need.

“They work in quietness, earning their own food and other necessities. They are not weary of doing right and continue in well-doing without weakening. Our South African youth learns to apply themselves to good deeds – to honest labour and honourable employment – so that they are able to meet necessary demands whenever the occasion may require.

“Father, You know the record of our youth and what they are doing. You have set before them a door wide open, which no one is able to shut.
They do not fear are not dismayed, for You, Father, strengthen them. You, Father, help our youth in Jesus’ name for in Jesus the South African youth have perfect peace and confidence and are of good cheer, for Jesus overcame the world – deprived it of its power to harm our youth.

“South African youth do not fret or have anxiety about anything, for Your peace Father mounts guard over their hearts and minds. They know the secret of facing every situation for they are self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. They guard their mouths and their tongues, keeping themselves from trouble.

“Our magnificent South African youth prize Your wisdom, Father, and acknowledge You. You direct, make straight and plain their paths and You promote them. Therefore, Father our South African Youth increase in Your wisdom (in broad and full understanding), and in stature and years, and in favour with You, Father, and with man.”


  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    There are many wise desires in Marian’s words, but they need to be formulated as a Prayer for our Youth, and as Instruction to our Youth. Godly Prayer and Instruction have Divine authorisation in Scripture, but I find little such authorisation for such ‘Declarations’. Let us as parents “train up our children in the way that they should go” by Prayer and Instruction … and also by our own godly example. May God protect and direct our young people to fulfil the wise desires expressed in Marian’s words!

  2. Aletta Riddles

    Prayer is the most powerful connection between God and His creation.. So let’s us pray!!!! Yes talk to Him..prayers change’s everything…

  3. Yes! let us pray. Marian you share God’s heart for the young people which gives us a boldness to speak life over them trusting the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to them in greater measure . Sadly so many do not have God fearing parents and are not trained but God is able to take the broken , the damaged, the unsaved and make them completely new. May those who know Christ grow stronger and those who do not know Him come to a saving Knowledge of our Lord. We know that life and death are in the tongue, may we speak life.

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