Director of CfaN’s E Cape evangelism campaign living her dream in jubilee year with Jesus

Jane Louw with Christ For All Nations president Daniel Kolenda during an evangelism campaign in Nigeria in March

50 years is a significant landmark for Jane Louw, the campaign director of a major evangelism campaign in the Eastern Cape, which is one of 50 campaigns across Africa that Christ for All Nations (CfaN) plans to hold during its current 50th anniversary year.

Fifty years ago when evangelist Reinhard Bonkke started CfaN in Johannesburg, Jane independently came to faith in Jesus in Pretoria.

“Even at that stage of my life, I had this burning desire to go into Africa and to preach,” said the 66-year-old Western Cape farmer’s wife and art teacher who has been running a guest house in Saldanha for the past 30 years.

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But she said that for decades her dream of standing in front of massive crowds at crusades in Africa seemed impossible. “I was the shyest girl at school. I’d never been out in the front. That’s like completely the opposite of who Jane is,” she said. 

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However, she said that she began partnering financially with CfaN about 15 years ago, and had attended conferences in Johannesburg featuring leaders like CfaN president Daniel Kolenda and lifestyle evangelist Todd White. She was also at Bonnke’s final crusade in South Africa at Loftus Versveld and she became good friends with veteran SA CfaN director Thea Britz.

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So, in 2022, when CfaN held its first School of Evangelism (SOE) in SA, in Cape Town, she enrolled.

“And that just changed my whole life forever,” said Jane.

Describing the 6-week SOE as much more than knowledge training, she said it was a time of meeting with Jesus and knowing that He is real and that when you go out on the streets and pray for people they will be healed. During that time they ministered on trains, in dangerous neighbourhoods and in mini crusades. 

“We were trained and built up in boldness – all through the power of the Holy Spirit,” she said.

“And at the school we had huge impartation from people like Daniel Kolenda, Tamryn Klintworth – all the people who’ve been in the field and gone through great trials.”

Jane said: “When I left that school, everything changed for me. It’s like a fire that cannot be extinguished. My husband says I’m crying out in my sleep: ‘I want to go, I want to go.’”

And she has gone! Last year she headed up a big evangelism crusade in Saldanha. In March she was the only SA member of an international team of CfaN-trained evangelists who went to Nigeria as part of this year’s “50 Africa campaigns” project which is adding impetus to the ministry’s “Decade of Double Harvest“ strategy to raise the number of people they have won to Jesus from 75 million by 2020 to,150 million by 2030. 

Jane Louw shares Gospel with schoolchildren in Nigeria ahead of mass crusades

In Nigeria she was at the two 4-day crusades in the cities of Aba and Port Harcourt, where the Gospel was preached to hundreds of thousands of people and numerous healing miracles were recorded. She was part of the team that prepared the ground for the crusades, preaching from Gospel trucks, visiting schools and communities, sometimes starting at 5am and only stopping to eat at 11pm.

About a month ago she was asked by CfaN leaders in the US whether she was willing to direct a massive campaign in the Eastern Cape this year.

I just said: ‘Yes, I’ll do that,’ even though it’s on the other side of the country from myself,” said Jane.

In May she and evangelists Bernard and Kiara Potgieter and Patricia Mathabela, went to Gqeberha (PE) to prepare for the campaign. During a nine-day visit they began building relations with local pastors and evangelists and won 2 752 souls for Jesus during youth outreaches.

CfaN’s Eastern Cape campaign, which will extend to locations beyond Gqeberha, will comprise four phases, from July 8 – 19; July 21 – August 2; September 30 to October 11 and October 13 to October 25.
For more info about the Eastern Cape campaign you can contact Jane Louw at +27 79 500 3335.

Donations of any kind towards the Eastern Cape campaign costs would be welcomed. Funds for accommodation, transport and meals are the big need. Banking details for donations are:

ABSA 4084223919
Branch Code 632005
Swift Code – ABSAZAJJ
REF: ECI24/ name
Jane’s email —

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  1. I am so excited about this outreach to Gqeberha and the Eastern Cape, generally!

    I believe that it is of God and I am praying that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in NMB will recognize her KAIROS Moment and respond with all their heart! Isaiah 60: 1-2

    Thank you, Andrè for this excellent report!

  2. We will intercede for you. May God mightily use you in healings and deliverance!

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