Documentary on human trafficking in Nigeria enters new phase

Question an answer session at Another Side of Life premier.

The documentary Another Side of Life that looks into the evil of human trafficking in Benin City, Nigeria is entering a new phase of awareness creation says director Shane Vermooten.

The first step was the premier at the Labia Theatre, Cape Town on August 17. The film is currently being entered into film festivals around the world and there is a possibility of it being picked up by a major newsy network.

Anybody interested in Human Trafficking or the film is invited to contribute to the cause by hosting a screening in their town, school, university, church or wherever. people together. Both Vermooten and producer and Anne Abok are available to attend these screenings if arranged in advance. Vermooten can be contacted for this purpose at

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One in four Africans is Nigerian and this means what happens in Nigeria affects the entire continent and ultimately the world. With this in mind Vermooten and cameraman Kenny Wong Sin headed to Nigeria in November 2011. There they met up with a local activist and film director, Anne Abok. Abok had recently completed a Nollywood film on Human Trafficking, Europe In My Heart and was using it as a tool for advocacy and awareness in Benin City where it is estimated that 80 per cent of the African prostitutes in Europe come from.

The film follows Abok into the villages as she tries to raise awareness using her film, but during a trip to one of the villages they meet a lady named Favour, who has a gut wrenching story and gives a real life account of trafficking that leaves viewers feeling numb and wondering how this could still be happening in our society today.

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During his time in Nigeria Vermooten interviewed juju priests, Christian pastors, government officials, non-profits, international organisations, activists and victims in an attempt to investigate the root causes of the human trafficking issue.

After the premier screening Vermooten and Abok fielded a question and answers session. Afterwards many viewers said they felt more enlightened and stirred-up about the issue of human trafficking in Africa and around the world

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