Doing change well — Marian Fitz-Gibbon


Back in 2017, Cindy Jacobs (Generals International) spoke of many, many people talking about the need for societal reformation and desire to be reformers. Young people banding together to form movements that display a passion to go into each area of their culture and see reformation.

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This will set the stage for the greatest outpouring of the Spirit and awakening the world has even known! Nations that were never impacted by the reformation will begin to experience one now. This will happen in all the continents!! “Africa, Africa, Africa, you are moving into your greatest hour, says the Lord!”

Gathering of hope
It’s 2018 and South Africa has seen much change in government with our President Cyril Ramaphosa and at a recent Kingdom Come Conference in Gauteng the topics of reformation, revival and change were highlighted. This time there were many leaders from different streams, or different church groups hungry to hear Bill Johnson, Eric Johnson and Banning Liebscher bring us a now word for our nation.

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We’re set on change
There’s no doubt as a nation we’re set on change and the presence of the Lord. We grasp the concept that we need to bring the Lord into all aspects of society and that it’s no longer Jesus on Sunday but Jesus every day for us.

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Every believer is responsible to impact their sphere of influence be it in the marketplace, educational sphere, at home as a parent, in the taxis, in the supermarkets, in the medical spheres, sporting arenas or media. We’re primed to be trained and equipped. And for many spheres, it’s well under way. It’s a men-and-woman, old-and-young and everyone’s-on-board approach.

We’re not waiting for “the big event”, in fact Jesus was the big event and we’re getting bolder about sharing His victory.

Impact of change
While moving toward our God given destiny there’s great excitement when we get the vision but when unexpected shift and change happens there’s a certain amount of stress that needs to be dealt with. This is usually when the unrighteous are being exposed whilst the righteous are taking up their place.

Let’s say it’s the Eskom story. In winter the electricity and Eskom becomes a topic of hot debate. A period like this is uncomfortable and unsettling. One may find oneself becoming discouraged as a result of sudden changes. Emotions run high; knee jerk reactions in the media can run rampant. The first thing is to understand the areas of possible impact that change may effect:

  • Our financial status or income — eg our electricity bill goes up;
  • Our political status — we can find ourselves making this a political issue;
  • Our personal identity — calling vs assignment;
  • Personal comfort — we can’t be warm or have all the lights on;
  • Understand how the Kingdom works — in the SA context righteousness will prevail.

Guard your heart
Having identified which one or more of those areas have been affected by the change, we as the Body of Christ advance forward to making a greater impact as a whole. As Proverbs writes, guard your heart when all does not go according to your plan:

Proverbs 4:23-27 says: Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead. And your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet and let all of your ways be established. Do not turn to the right nor to the left. Remove your foot from evil.

These are very simple instructions from the writer. Yet when one is discouraged one needs to get back to the promises of God and keep one’s focus clearly on that and that alone.

Your heart is the source of everything you do. It is the wellspring of life. In other words, it is the source of everything else in your life. Your heart overflows into thoughts, words and finally your actions. If your heart is unhealthy, it has an impact on everything else. It threatens your family, your friends, your ministry, your career, and indeed your legacy. It is therefore, imperative that your guard it.

Call to prayer
As we go through the transitions and alterations it is helpful, if not essential to be like David and to encourage yourself in the Lord (l Samuel 30:6). It was in the presence of the Lord that David regained his strength after a tragic loss and great battle. It was here that he was able to keep his focus on his destiny.

…But David encouraged himself in the Lord — 1 Samuel 30:6

He knew he was called by God, especially chosen, destined to the throne. He had a daily visitation of God’s Holy Spirit. He had a cause, he had zeal for the Lord, he was holy and burdened for the poor and needy.

The secret of David’s success was running to the presence of God in time of trouble. In the day when I cried thou answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul… (Psalm 138:3). David sang of God’s goodness and greatness while he, David felt weak and afraid. As he exalted the Lord, his spirit, mind and body became strengthened and he got back on his feet.

Secret place outcome
This coming Reformation will be nothing like the old ways of doing church. Time in the secret place getting the download from Abba Father is more essential than ever. The creatives will and are getting inspiration. The solution for medical issues will come in the presence of the Lord. The solutions for business issues will be found in the company of the Lord. Prayer meetings will no longer be places of obligation, but gatherings of outpouring of God’s inspiration and download.

One Comment

  1. Amen and Amen to time in the Secret Place – as we seek the Source, He is glorified, we become more like Him, He imparts His person, His Nature, His Love and we are inspired. What a glorious time to be alive!

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