‘Don’t impose your immorality on our children’, says Meshoe at protest march

Hundreds of ACDP members and supporters – including many children – marched to the office of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) in Struben Street, Pretoria yesterday.

Their aim was to put a stop to government’s plan of introducing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) into the country’s Life Orientation syllabus.

“Politicians,” said ACDP President Rev Kenneth Meshoe, “are entitled to their immorality, but they must not impose it on our children. We refuse to allow government to poison the minds of our children.”

“South Africa needs original South African solutions for our own country, not a programme from UNESCO. The President of Ghana has said he will not allow CSE to be taught to his children, and we want President Ramaphosa to do the same. South African children already come last in maths and science, but first when it comes to knowledge of sex.”

The ACDP leader explained that the party supports the current sex education programme taught in Life Orientation. It is very important to the development of learners, he said, that they have “a basic understanding of anatomy and biology”.

CSE, however, is anti-family, anti-marriage and anti-Christian. According to the ACDP’s memorandum, CSE “promotes sexual pleasure as a right and an important component of sexual health, encourages young children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own or the opposite sex, encourages acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities among 5- to 10-year-olds, claims access to CSE is a human right, and teaches children and youth they are sexual from birth.”

Two representatives from the DBE (Neo Sediti and Stanley Ndlovu) were present to sign the memorandum. It is not clear, however, when they will respond to it.

FOOTNOTE:  Since this article was posted the DBE has conceded that schools are not compelled to use the government’s CSE scripted lesson plans and have the freedom to choose their preferred material for teaching sexuality education which is a mandatory component of Life Orientation/Life Skills (a compulsory subject in the CAPS curriculum).


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  1. Thank you Rev. Meshoe, if I lived in Pretoria I would have marched with you.

  2. The present ANC as it stands is leaving a legacy of failure in many aspects of our beloved South Africa. These negative attributes can still be changed if the fear of GOD is once more brought to prevail, due to country-wide repentance. If the ANC continues along the path of corruption and birthing evil promulgations,then it is eventually doomed,including all of its leaders, who allow this to happen. They will have the blood of innocent by-standers to contend with when they stand before the Judgement Throne of Jesus our Messiah.

  3. Hester vd Merwe

    Please Rev. MESHOE! Do what you can to prevent this immoralty being forces into the schools! This is straight from the devil!! Wish all Chrishtians can march to the President who can stop this evil! May God bless your efforts!

  4. Thank you Rev Meshoe for encouraging moral sense! Our children do not need the proposed CSE. Any finance spent on this, could be better spent on more teacher in maths and science. Or even just reading!

  5. Please NO. Don’t they know how children’s brains work. Tell them what not to do and that is exactly what they will do.