Double portion update — Lindy-Ann Hopley


A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international revivalist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.

Greetings from freezing Amsterdam!

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February — the month of LOVE.

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Yesterday we woke up to beautiful white snow and soon after hit the streets to minister to the diamonds in the dust. What the Lord has done — simply phenomenal.

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Last night, after a powerful time of sharing and preaching at the Bright Fame office — talking about the bride and a vision I had about a bride in white running through the streets of the Red Light District — we literally found a beautiful white wedding gown on the trash dump outside!

God is restoring His bride! He is calling her back — to know Him — intimately.

This is the sound of heaven for this season and forever more.

This past month we have seen God move in mighty ways. “My First Love” Mighty Women event in South Africa blew the lid! I had the honour of being the opening speaker at the first ever Mighty Women. We baptised 36 woman on Saturday after leading 250 ladies to Jesus on Friday night. Halleluuuujah!!!

I just realised that somehow the GOOD NEWS update I wrote from December and January never made it to the publishers. My sincere apologies. But — praise the Lord — I am adding it to this month’s news — double portion for you!

Here it is:

December and January
It’s 2018!!! The year of open doors! And the time to walk through them equipped with all you need to sustain them.

There has been an unprecedented acceleration across the globe in 2017. And it was increasing exponentially towards the end of last year!

News for you — it’s not going to stop!

God is preparing the earth for the greatest harvest and revival it has ever seen! Can a nation be saved in a day? Why not the world?

I just got off the phone with a friend who shared with me about an elderly lady in one of my meetings in the Eastern Cape. She came for prayer — skin cancer. She went to the doctor and was found completely cancer free! That was two medically proven cancer miracle cases! Both completely healed in the same weekend!!! Halleluuuujah!

There is an acceleration that has taken place this year!

Just this year, I’ve had the privilege of preaching to Middle Eastern refugees in Bangkok, to hungry Afrikaans Christians in Jacobsdal, to farmworkers in Citrusdal and am currently in Dallas, Texas and on my way to Dubai from here.

The things that the Lord has done just at these meetings have been mind blowing! It is very clearly evident that the Lord has started with a new thing and we get to be a part of it!

Beautiful Witness Ministries is also launching into exciting new frontiers — watch this space! Time to extend those tent pegs — not to have a bigger tent for the sake of a bigger tent, but to host His presence and for more to enter in!

All the earth. Amen.

Make sure to read next month’s column, as I share some words for 2018.

The time has come that everyone realises who they are and Whose they are! The temperature has been turned up and I believe in this season ahead all luke warmness will be eradicated from our midst. It is now the time for the church to rise up and take her rightful place as the ones that are on fire and blazing for God, in love and possessed with His Spirit — and running the race full steam ahead!

Everyone who agrees — say Amen!

I have not written for a while. If you were in Thailand on holiday, you probably would not have either!

Philippines for Jesus!
Last time we left off just before I headed to the Philippines for the Love on Fire Crusade!

As you know, God is always on the move and the adventure started before I hit the ground…

Before heading to Manila, I was with the Cornerstone Church crew in Manila. We had a blast!

First night was the youth! It was a God invasion!!!! You want to make sure to watch part 1 and 2!

The glory of God continued….

Then finally off to Surigao. A small poorer area.

Love on Fire Philippines

It definitely had its challenges. The finances were a challenge, the typhoon the week before I arrived and whilst there — was a challenge. The accommodation, lack of Wi-Fi and being there alone with limited English speaking people — was a challenge.

But it was game on and Jesus challenged the challenges! And overcame them all!

The schedule was packed. People ask — when do I prepare and how long? I have been in preparation my whole life.

Sunday started with church. The Holy Spirit came and so did the signs and wonders…

You can look here to get an idea of the church in rural Philippines.


Little boy’s hand healed!

This Philippino mamma brought her little boy to the front for prayer. He had fallen on his arm and could not open his hand. The arm looked broken above the wrist. It hung limp. He couldn’t open and close his hand. God touched him. His hand was instantly healed. He even gave me a little high five! Halleluuuujah!!!

This family will be forever changed. And their children. And their children’s children…

Some live updates…

You have to watch this pastor’s testimony — her deaf ear popped open!!!

Next was the Pastors’ and Leaders’ conference…

These two pastors share some amazing testimonies!

One of my favourite outings and testimonies…


Updates on the way to first night of the crusade…

Testimonies from the first night!!! Too good to miss!

Worship at the crusade.

Final night at the crusade — many got saved and then this happened!

The testimonies just kept coming in!

Another favourite happened in SA whilst I was away — my best friend got engaged! Hallelujah! Can watch a cool congratulations clip on my Facebook wall.

Even on the way to the airport as I was leaving — this precious sister shared her testimony with me…

Thailand holiday
From there I flew to Thailand — holiday with my mom!

It pretty much looked like beanbags on the beach with us roasting on it.

Then it was time to celebrate Jesus’ birthday — Christmas! Little message for you!

God never sleeps — we had some fun encounters on the way.

One of my favourites was when we went for dinner at the local fish market…

As I was sharing about Jesus he, without me saying anything, took off the prayer bracelets he got at the Hindu temples. Hallelujah!

From Koh Samui we headed to Railey Beach, Krabi — what a creator we serve!

Bangkok followed.

On the way my mother got sick on the plane — I still haven’t quite processed this fully, but when she lost consciousness, I called her back in Jesus Name and that’s exactly what happened. So grateful for her life.

We received crazy favour and stayed in a beautiful penthouse on the 23rd floor in downtown Bangkok. This is the year of increased favour!

On the Saturday morning, I ministered to a group of refugees from the Middle East.

South Africa
Then it was home sweet home.

I was glad to be home — jogging in the magical “Majik” forest with my best friend. “Come away my beloved”.

And I cannot even tell you how blessed I was to be invited to speak in a very, very Afrikaans “dorpie” the first weekend back with the name Jacobsdal, 40km from Kimberley. This town is pretty much built around the “Boere” war and the NG church.

The Afrikaans saying “die koel is deur die kerk” / the bullet is through the church — comes from that very town!

I had been on a water fast that week — my oh my was that a tough one! Little did I know that God was concocting a glory bomb in the spirit realm to release on this little in the middle of nowhere town!

Did He not say disciple the nations?!

It’s time to think better. We live in a day where thousands and millions can be reached through the communication channels that God has set in place to spread the gospel for such a time as this.

The things we saw the Lord do was simply phenomenal and the testimonies are still coming in!

We had some Wi-Fi challenges, but you do not want to miss some of the epic testimonies we did catch on camera. Here are only a few of them:

I landed Monday morning and was invited to come relax and retreat for an evening in Citrusdal. Another very small South African Afrikaans town.

“Why Lord?” — it was too similar to not be weird. Weird = something supernatural is going on. And God spoke: “Just like they said about Jesus ‘Can anyone good come out of Nazareth?’ — people will be surprised at what can come out of small towns like this.”

What unfolded was glorious!

Watch here:

Jesus healed a man partly paralysed from a stroke!

I don’t know where you are at as you are reading this — but I want to speak over you — you are powerful! You are God’s secret weapon! It’s time to let the secret out — it’s Christ in You!

The greatest harvest is ripe — are you ready?!

2018 belongs to the Lord!
Let’s do this!!!

Hope you have been encouraged to fly higher than ever before with the King!

February 2018
The goodness of God is so abounding — I realise the Bible is but a glimpse of what Jesus did on the earth whilst He was here — because it is simply impossible to keep up with the magnitude and ever increasing testimonies! What a God we serve.

This past month I have been in USA, Dubai, South Africa and now Europe.

As you read and watch — may you taste and see that the Lord is good — love and be loved.

God’s love changes everything!

Have you noticed — the air is pregnant with something?! Something that the world has never seen before! I believe the great and greatest awakening is here! The impossible is about to become possible.

Watch this:

The signs are here!
25 January 2018

Time to birth things that you thought could never be done! Time to dream again!

Reverend Billy Graham has passed away this last week and the prophecies around his passing are of monumental weight. It has been said to be the sign of the start of the Great Awakening. Not just a few men or women of God carrying revival, but every person who believes to walk in this great power — Christ in us and us in Him!

If you look at my article I wrote in January — I am already talking about the Great Awakening — little did we know the prophetic sign that will soon follow!

This moved me immensely — watch and receive the mantle of evangelism to the world.

This month has been prophetically loaded like I have not seen before!

Dallas, USA to Dubai
It started with a Prophetic Conference in Dallas, USA — I was invited along with 60 other young prophets, but honestly had no desire to go. But God.

After the conference I stayed around for two days to preach at a home group and a church service. It was raw and it was beautiful.

Some Texas style worship…

Watch this great testimony!

From there I zipped over to Dubai. My second time ministering here.

Catch some preaching on my FB wall and mini feedback here!

South Africa
I landed back in South Africa, showered and went off to the PPK church to preach. God did mighty things!

You can watch the whole meeting here — in Afrikaans.

In Cape Town, my team and I were hard at work trying to put some structures in place for Beautiful Witness Ministries — time to expand the tent! In time for Mighty Women. Will let you in on some of that next month!

Mighty Women SA, was such a sign of what God is doing around the world, as mentioned. Preparing the bride for her Bridegroom. We are united with Him.

Friday night was a Holy time — love, power and surrendering all to the Lover of all lovers.

You can watch some snippets here:

250 women came to the altar to receive Christ as Lord!!! Many were healed and delivered. Glorious!

The next day! This girl received joy overflowing for her mourning! Along with 35 other women who died with Christ and raised with Christ through baptism!

Wonderful! So many were set free to come into their callings!

This is not the time to back off but to step up! Into Him.

Now is the time more than ever before to make knowing Him our highest priority. Matthew 7:22-23 — Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you …’

To know — is to be intimate. Even great exploits for Him — is not His first choice. Above all He wants our heart. Our love. To know each other.

Take your calendar — cut out the unnecessary — and spend time with Him face-to-face in full embrace.

And that is my prayer — for myself and for you.

May He take first place always — even in the midst of busyness.

Our First Love. King Jesus.

Bless you!
Until next month.

Love & Fire

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Thank you.

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