Dr Caroline Leaf in SA, Namibia in August

Switch On Your Brain author Dr Caroline Leaf will be touring South Africa and Namibia in August to promote her new book Think Learn Succeed which is in stores now and to speak at church conferences and services around the country.

Leaf, who was born in South Africa, but lives in the US with her husband and four children, is a cognitive neuroscientist who has extensively researched the science of thought and the mind-brain connection as it relates to thinking, learning, renewing the mind, gifting, and potential.

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She is also the author of Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and The Perfect You, amongst many other books and journal articles, is a sought-after international conference speaker and has her own television show.

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Her latest book, which is also available in Afrikaans as Dink Leer Floreer explores how our thought lives have incredible power over our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. Our thoughts can either limit us to what we believe we can do or release us to experience abilities well beyond our expectations.

She says: “Today, most people can access vast amounts of information, yet few people know how to process this information, using it to be successful at school, work, and life. As a result, grades drop, dreams are crushed, and goals are never achieved.”

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Here itinerary in Southern Africa is:

Pretoria – August 4 (Moreleta Park – Healing Summit)

Cape Town August 5 (Hillsong – Sunday services)

Cape Town August 9 (2pm book-signing at CUM Books, Canal Walk)

Cape Town – August 11 (CRC – Woman’s Conference)

Port Elizabeth – August 18 (The Father’s House – Woman’s Conference)

Windhoek – August 24/25 (Windhoek Country Club – Conference)

Durban – August 27/28 (New Covenant Fellowship – Conference)

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