Dream big (despite what you see) — Hannah Viviers


A monthly column on purpose, passion and power in Jesus.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the challenging time we’re facing as a country.

However, I’ve also felt that in the midst of those challenges there’s a great opportunity for those who will dare to dream big.

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Whenever we’re faced with challenges we always have a choice: faith or fear.

Faith gives us the confidence to dream big, despite what we see.

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Fear on the hand has a nasty way of paralysing us and, at times, even questioning if God is truly for us.

There are few things that can derail us from our purpose and pursuit of vision like fear does.

I believe that in the challenging times that’s precisely the time to Dream big. Really BIG!

Because that’s when opportunities abound.

However, it’s not enough to only see the opportunities. We also have to believe in our ability to make the most of them.

This week I want to share a piece with You written by 18-year-old writer and spoken word artist Jenny Zibane.

May we trust that no matter what we’re going through, we’ve got this, because God’s got us.

Jenny Zibane.

God’s Heart
By Jenny Zibane
You’ve struggled to see the truth because you’ve been focusing on how broken you are instead of how chosen you are, and that’s why you’re not growing. You’re outwardly happy but the pain still creeps underneath your skin.

Your life’s been a basketball court with you being the ball, the trials and tribulations that you face being the champions that play you.

Everyone experiences pain but for some reason showing it brings a sense of shame.

Your current situation is wild; pouncing on you as the lion does the deer- And it wins because you’re filled with fear- Unable to shift your focus from your situation to the solution. The scars are a clear depiction of your cracking interior all because you’ve been trying to hold back the tears.

You’re running a race but don’t understand that your only opponent is you.

Were you to understand that you didn’t have to run to reach the Almighty because He is omnipresent, then you would discover the truth.

But until then you’re feeling buried because your roots haven’t settled into the soil- So when the wind blows, your life screams turmoil.

His truth eradicates doubt because in it you have confidence that you are who He says you are.

Instead of looking at a mirror you’ve been looking through a glass screen; mimicking everyone but yourself because you never found You in the first place.

The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but living your life in the Lord brings joy. And that is what’s true.

You see, life is a mess but when we have Him within it becomes a colourful mess and we’re able to see the beauty between the cracks. The beauty behind the struggle.The beauty behind His heart for us.

A river flowing into a waterfall, with the pressure of your soul’s water too high to contain- Spilling over the edges of the container that is people’s ability to grasp the complexity of your being and the struggle of your walk and the vastness of your destination- Because it was never meant for man to understand but for God to be glorified. But we never really understood that either.

Your tears are mercury and no one is able to take the temperature of your passion because it isn’t human-like. It isn’t man-made, but touched, anointed and blessed by God Himself.

So tell me what the shape of His heart is?

Tell me how you could ever come to understand the motive behind His romantic nature towards you.

Possess no spirit of vengeance because you have been avenged by Blood.

You were avenged by pain.

Avenged by death.

The passion within you is resurrected every single time a tear falls down your cheek because you’re no ordinary person. You are His person.

A reflection of His heart.

God’s words stir your soul because there’s a lot to speak into.

Where do the granules of a completely shattered heart go when there aren’t any more pieces of it left to break?

And how does He have the ability to figure out how to piece it back together?

Because His love is true.

View below an excerpt of Jenny Zibane delivering this message as a spoken word:


  1. What a beautiful message. In 2010 the Lord challenged me.
    And asked: Will I dare to dream? To call the things that are not, as if they were; To see what God would see. To summon the dry bones to life. May we all dream and see what God would see……A land of milk and honey……the promise of our King.

  2. What a beautiful comment piece. I am inspired and happy to know that our youth in SA has this beautiful positive message amits all the challenges we face as a country, as a people loved by God. Thanks Jenny…

  3. God works mightily through you Jenny……This has really blessed me. Keep availing yourself as a vessel for His use and Glory. Wonderful piece!

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