Dream bus trip leads to transformed lives

Some of the approximately 400 men from Cape Town who came to the KMMC 2014 on 11 sponsored buses.
Some of the approximately 400 men from Cape Town who came to the KMMC 2014 on 11 sponsored buses. This group entered into a joyous time of praise and worship after we asked them to pose for a photo in front of their buses.

“There is such a calm and contentment over me, a wonderful, wonderful joy,” said a Cape Town man last night as he began to receive thank-you emails from men whose lives were deeply impacted by God at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference after he sponsored their weekend travel.

The man (who wants to remain anonymous) was deeply moved by his communion with God and with other conference goers at last year’s KMMC. After God directed him in a dream in March this year, he arranged to transport about 400 men in 11 buses on a 1 540 km round trip from Cape Town to the KMMC near Middelburg. The men paid only R100 for the trip and their food for the weekend. Those who did not have tents were accommodated in a large tent provided by the KMMC organisers.

Among the testimonies shared in yesterday’s emails to the sponsor men shared how they gave their lives to Christ at the conference, were baptised, were set free from pornography, washed their wives’ feet when they got home, were healed of emotional baggage, and were provided a life-changing experience that they could not have afforded without the financial blessing.

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Closer to home the sponsor said his two sons and nephew made re-commitments to Jesus during the conference and his brother-in-law made a first-time commitment. They were all part of the 9-man support crew that travelled ahead of the buses to set up the camp and who cooked for the bus passengers through the weekend.

The man, who attended his first KMMC last year, when he organised a single bus to transport a group from Cape Town, said the beautiful natural setting of the KMMC and its remoteness prepared men’s hearts to meet God in a special way.

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Here are testimonies which some of the men emailed to the sponsor yesterday:

Rev Phumzile Stofile and his wife (A picture he sent with his testimony).
Rev Phumzile Stofile and his wife (A picture he sent with his testimony).

Rev Phumzile Stofile: “[My testimony] is simple yet difficult, as a young Pastor, Married for 8 years with three kids, twin girls and a boy. I have been wrestling with God regarding my calling as whether I should start a ministry or continue working. I had a personal struggle as well with pornography and women. When I was invited to attend this Mighty Men Conference I made a deal with God: Please confirm Lord, whether you truly want me in the ministry and break me free from this bondage of sin. Well, the confirmation came on the first day, Friday. When the man of God, talked about David and how he understood his identity in Christ. That was an “aah haa” moment that I needed. I can now confirm that I’m free and I know my identity in Christ and I’m gonna reclaim my position. Please continue praying with me and my family so I don’t fall back to sin of pornography and women and that I continue loving my beautiful wife, and kids, and continue with the ministry. Thanks Mighty Men #Bus104 I love you guys.

Vernon: I did wash my wife’s feet last night and it was not easy and to make it even more difficult, she did not want me to ,so I had to push through with Christ ‘man with a plan’. We have to make plans with Christ in prayer and let nothing stop you when living out that prayer, especially pride. JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! Let your wife ,family or the world be changed by your love for Christ.

Hilton Daniels:
Hi im Hilton Daniels from Bayview, Strandfotein. When I left for the conference on Friday I didn’t know what to expect on my way and at the conference. This was a first for me in everything. This was a life changer. I met people who open my eyes and in turn I opened my hart to the LORD GOD on 25th of April 2014. Thank you all the Mighty Men for giving me this opportunity to give my heart to the LORD. Keep me in your prayers so I may stay on the straight road and not fall away from God. Bless you all.

Riaan van Niekerk: MMC Karoo stopped when the bus stopped at the Total garage in Somerset West. It was a awesome experience and I was filled to the brim. I pray the blood of Jesus over all of you, the bus company, and just know that the Lord will bless all of you! Love and Blessings

Aubrey Barber: My boeta.  Heel eerste en bo enige mens en enige iets anders wil ek vanoggend helder , duidelik en onomwonde konstateer dat Jesus Christus my lewe tydens die mighty men konferensie in Middelburg ingrypend verander het. Ek het soveel emosionele pyn en bagasie na die die konferensie gebring , maar Jesus het my hart gesien en n bo- natuurlike Goddelike operasie- werk in my lewe gedoen.  Dit was ook wonderlik om as n bejaarde uit die doopbad op te staan tot n splinternuwe lewe in Christus en daarom kan ek saam met Paulus in Gal 2 v 20 uitroep……Ek is met Christus gekruisig , en ek leef nie meer nie , maar Christus leef in my. En wat ek nou in die vlees lewe , leef ek deur die geloof in die Seun van God wat my liefgehad het en Homself vir my oorgegee het. Net die ewigheid sal opbenbaar watter bydrae die anonieme donateur tot die koninkryk bydrae. Ek kry n staatstoelaag en daar was geen manier hoe ek andersins die konferensie sou kon bywoon nie. Ek sal ewig dankbaar wees en ek weet dat ek daardie skenker nog gaan ontmoet , al is dit in die hiernamaals wanneer ons op daardie strate van suiwer goud gaan stap. Dankie ook aan Vernon en die sussa wat die reëlings vir ons getref het. Hulle het geen moeite gedoen om my met alles tot hulp te wees nie. Vanoggend salueer ek Mighty Men Konferensie , die anonieme skenker en elke kind van die Here wat geestelik en finansiël in my lewe gesaai het. Bo alles wil ek vir Abba Vader dankie sê dat Hy nie n aannemer van n persoon is nie…….. He took me from the guttermost to the uttermost.

Dirk Kruger: Hi to all my new brothers in Jesus. I also washed my wife’s feet on Sunday night! It was good! She is very pleased with the new man she received from God! May God bless you all today! Mighty Men conference did not end. The venue changed to our homes and offices. We have to carry it on every day!

John Lots: Dit was ‘n wonderlike naweek gewees – ek is steeds besig om dit te verwerk en self by die Here en uit Sy Woord te bevestig wat ek moet doen. Ek sal baie graag volgende jaar weer op hierdie kamp wil gaan – maar dan wil ek meer gee as wat ek ontvang.


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