Durban Christian Centre tent flattened by gale

Clean-up crew members removing the flattened DCC tent this week.

The Durban Christian Centre must be on the devil’s hit list.

That’s the conclusion after the gale on Saturday that whipped through Durban and flattened the Jesus Tent, the temporary home of DCC.

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This disaster comes 17 months after the Jesus Dome was destroyed by a fire that was caused by an electrical fault.

The tent was badly damaged and it has been decided not to use it again. Instead, senior Pastor John Torrens announced that services would be held in the church’s Life Centre hall.

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When the main church building burnt down the Life Centre Hall was going to be used as the alternative venue. However, the free loan of the 2 000-seater tent by Pastor At Boshoff, of Bloemfontein CRC, made it possible to provide more accommodation for the services.

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The hall that is now in use seats 1 100. Presently two morning services and a 5pm service are being held, but if required an additional morning service will be added.

Pastor John and his wife Joy were full of praise for the outstanding support of the congregation, who despite the wind and rain, rushed to the tent site on Saturday to offer help and to pray.

“We will remain in the hall now until the new Jesus Dome is built,” said Pastor John Torrens.

It is hoped that work will begin before the end of this year and that the new building could be completed by the end of 2018.

One Comment

  1. Reading this article I am wondering if they ever cleansed the land that the church was built on? If not, then the devil has legal rights there

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