DVD series on God’s economy grew out of wilderness journey

Patrick Kuwana with his DVD series.
Patrick Kuwana with his ‘Rebuilding the walls of the economy’ DVD series.

 The completion of a 9-disk DVD series called ‘Rebuilding the walls of the economy’ has been much more than an academic exercise for transformational entrepreneur Patrick Kuwana — it took a humbling time in the wilderness and the forging of a new identity in God to discover the Kingdom economic principles he shares in the series.

The DVD series is an “introductory step towards returning to the ancient path (Jeremiah 6:16) so that we can understand God’s mandate for His children to be stewards of the earth and how this relates to the need for us to establish Kingdom economic and business structures in the natural so that what he has already given us in the spirit can be manifested on earth for His glory”, says Kuwana who is the founder of the Crossover Transformation Group through which he and his wife Maude aim to play a catalytic role in the marketplace transformation of Africa. He is involved in leadership and entrepreneurship development in Africa and Asia, is part of the Transformational Leadership team at USA based FSH Group (www.transformlead.com), and is the Africa Co-Ordinator of Unashamedly Ethical (www.unashamedlyethical.com) an organisation focused on promoting ethics, values and clean living in all sectors of society. 

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Describing the road he and Maud have travelled in recent years, Kuwana says:”After leading what seemed to be a very successful corporate life in the IT industry and setting up several entrepreneurial ventures God started a three year process in 2011 of showing us that everything that we had done to that point was based on the ‘world system of economy’ (the worship of mammon) and not on His ‘Kingdom economy’. This process involved us giving away all business interests we had, selling our house and cars to get 100% out of debt and being stripped of every material aspect of life that had become an idol in our lives.

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Hidden treasures
“It was a wilderness journey in which all income dried up and we had to humble ourselves and rely on the help of others to put food on the table (God’s provision of manna to us). But it was during this time in the wilderness that God was stripping the ‘Babylonian/world system of economy’ from us and showing us ‘treasures hidden in secret places’ of what His Kingdom economy is about and how to operate in that economy. As we look back now we realise that we were actually idol worshippers (mammon, materialism, greed, etc.) and that the period that we have spent in the wilderness was actually God’s love and grace to cleanse us of this so that we would only worship Him and that our identity would be solely based on Him and not on the things of the world.”

He says the ‘Rebuilding the walls of the economy’ DVD series is a collection of most of the revelation and things they learnt about God’s economy and how to build transformational Kingdom businesses on top of that economic understanding. 

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As God’s children adopt and implement Kingdom business strategies “we will see billions of people coming into the knowledge of a good God who has provided abundantly for every person on the earth,” says Kuwana.

“We believe this will trigger the end time harvest where billions of souls will be rescued out of the hands of the enemy and saved. For many decades now the cry over South Africa, Africa and many other nations has been 2 Chronicles 7:14. Despite the cries and prayers of many we still seem to be seeing great darkness growing over nations. God has definitely been hearing our prayers – but could it be that maybe He is waiting on us to set up Kingdom economic structures that He can flow through to bring the healing to the land and also through which His glory will arise over Africa (Isaiah 60:1-3)?

Need to replace economic structures
“We believe the challenge we have as Africa is that we don’t have Kingdom structures set up in the natural through which God can flow. Much of what we have right now are ‘worldly/Babylonian’ structures – some even owned by Christians and God can’t flow through channels that are not set up according to His framework and statutes. We have wasted too much time as Christians praying to God and asking him to bless our ‘worldly/Babylonian’ structures – it is now time to understand what His Kingdom economic structure is and humble ourselves to rebuild according to that structure. God cannot violate His word and nature and bless nations through structures that do not adhere to His framework. We have been destroyed for too long now because of our lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).”

Some of the topics covered in the DVD series include:

–          Foundational Understanding of the Economy
–          Economic Systems
–          Accessing Heavenly blueprints
–          The 2 systems at play – Babylon vs. Kingdom
–          The 12 principles of God’s Economy
–          The journey of preparation through the wilderness
–          The heart transplant – our attitude in business
–          Kingdom strategies for success in God’s economy
–          Linking vocation to calling
–          Foundational mind-set to transform economies and business
–          Business Stewardship
–          Biblical Profit
–          The economic – financial cycle
–          Strategies to rebuild the economic value chain for the Kingdom
–          The ways of God – Israel, feasts, shofar, Jubilee
–          Climbing the mountain of the Lord
–          Time to implement and stay engaged
–          About Crossover Transformation

The 9 Disk DVD series (+/- 9 hours of DVD plus a bonus MP3 audio disk) is currently available at an introductory price of R500 (plus R65 for shipping) from info@crossovertransformation.co.za.


  1. Wonderful! Patrick. I’ve shared this on facebook. May you go from strength to strength. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Thank you so much Collen. Blessings to you and thank you for all the prayers.

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