ED Academy – Helping small businesses grow big


Be at the Conference & Academy from 9 to 10 October

edacademy1South Africa faces many challenges and many of these revolve around inequality, unemployment and poverty.  To meet these needs and to fulfil the Great Commission it is important for Christians called to the market place to acquire the necessary skills and networks to make a positive impact on all spheres of society.  The annual Enterprise Development Academy and Conference may just be what you have been looking for. 

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Destiny Enterprise Solutions (DES) in partnership with Qube World Resources (QWR) will be hosting the 4th Annual Enterprise Development Conference and Academy (EDC & EDA) on the 9 – 10 October 2013 at the Bryanston Country Club in Johannesburg.  DES is an enterprise development agency that offers consulting services, business plan development, marketing solutions, design and printing solutions, while QWR provides B2B market linkage services. 

edacademy2Best practice strategies
The EDC and EDA is a platform for big business, government, civil society and emerging enterprises to meet and acquire best practice strategies for growing sustainable enterprises in South Africa.  With more than 30% unemployment in South Africa, building sustainable small businesses is critical if we are to address unemployment and poverty.  To this end the EDA is a one day boot camp that will offer entrepreneurs knowledge and insights on building successful businesses.  One of the guest speakers at the EDA will be world renowned Christian author, business coach and leadership consultant, Dr Richie Achukwua.  Dr Richie also has programmes on Rainbow FM and DSTV and will be imparting his wisdom on all delegates attending. 

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edacademy3The EDC on the 10th October will provide entrepreneurs and corporate managers with an opportunity to discuss business support programmes and business opportunities.  Speakers at the EDC are leading experts in the field of enterprise development and will provide ED practitioners, procurement managers and policy makers with insights on how South Africa can develop sustainable small businesses.  The EDC is a tremendous opportunity for SMEs to exhibit their products and services to more than 100 potential clients. 

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For more information on the EDC and EDA or to find out more about Destiny Enterprise Solutions’ products and services please contact DES on info@destinventures.co.za or call +27 11 050 1312.  www.destinyventures.co.za  or for EDA Bookings go to www.thehubs.co








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