Education returning to the Father

“How many of my father’s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father….” — Luke 15:17-18

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Since I’ve spent another week in the office I thought I’d share about the Chaplaincy programme I’m involved him. The vision we have is to see revival come to schools and to support Christian educators nationally. The National School Chaplaincy programme  is about anticipating that the Lord is busy with something in our schools and being there to serve schools with prayer, resources and in any other ways we can. We launched last June and continue to be amazed at how the programme is growing as more and more people are catching the vision. A lot has happened in the past few months but one of the more recent highlights has been the FQE and Upward Bound programme.

We pursued discussions with the Upward Bound Programme, which is the initiative of the ”Hope for Education” committee. This committee is connected to the National Development Plan as presented to Central Government by Minister Trevor Manuel in 2012. We are excited about the attention that is being given to moral regeneration in schools. The spotlight has fallen on education and as the body of Christ there is an open door for us to take centre stage.

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To watch the Upward Bound DVD follow the link

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Upward Bound is part of an initiative by MEC for education, Barbara Creecy, in Gauteng province to be called the Faith for Quality Education programme (FQE). God is great indeed! Not so long ago religion in schools was frowned upon and now it seems we’ve travelled full circle and arrived back at the Lord’s doorstep. It reminds me of the parable of the prodigal son, where the rebellious son squandered his wealth, and came to the end of himself before realising that even the lowest servant in his father’s house lived better than he was at that moment. I’m in no way justifying any of the bad things we’ve seen, but perhaps dumped textbooks and some of the other awful things we’ve seen in Education in this country were our ‘pig sty moment’. Perhaps we’ve seen enough hardship to turn back to our Father and ask for His hand in restoring a generation.

There is a lot to get excited about as more and more ministries’ testimonies are emerging about the great things the Lord is doing in schools around the country.

Please continue to pray for those in Education that the Lord’s will be done through them. Also check out  and join us in working to see God’s kingdom established in a young generation!

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