Electronic boards will bring God’s Word to motorists

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A prototype LED message board for proclaiming God’s Word on roadways. This board will be placed in front of a giant cross that will be erected soon in King William’s Town.

“Imagine a giant electronic display board situated right next to the main highway where passing motorists can have access to the inspired word of God! ”

This is so exciting! The possibilities of this method of encouraging the nation with God’s Holy Word are endless!” says Robbie Hift, the visionary of a project that has built a prototype board in King William’st Town and wants to see many more LED boards on high traffic routes all over South Africa.

Hift who spearheaded the construction of a 14m steel cross — the Cross of Hope — on a hillside facing Van Stadens bridge after the toll of suicide deaths from jumping off the bridge reached 88, is passionate about bringing messages of hope to road users. He says nobody has jumped off the bridge since the erection of the cross and 2m letters spelling out “Jesus Loves You”.

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The protoype board will soon be displayed in front of a giant cross that will be erected on the premises of Good News Church on a busy highway linking King William’s Town and Bhisho.

Hift explains further: “Just imagine all the motorists driving up and down the main highway in King Williamstown which is a gateway to the rest of South Africa. Imagine you are having a bad day. Your business is in a mess, your wife wants a divorce, your kids don’t talk to you anymore and your mother has cancer. So you are driving down the road feeling pretty depressed and suddenly you see this giant display board next to the road and on it shines out the life-giving words ‘Call upon the name of the Lord, and be saved!’ And the next time you drive up the road it says ‘Fear not, neither be dismayed, for I the Lord your God am with you wherever you go. Never will I leave you and never will I forsake you!’

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“So just imagine the huge, beneficial effect God’s Holy Word can have on a lost and suffering world. The immediate reaction, of course, is that the troubled motorist remembers that there is a God, and in the midst of his worry and sorrow, he silently says ‘Please help me, Lord!’

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“And that’s just what we want, isn’t it? We want to roll out the red carpet and reestablish the communication between every person and their Maker, Almighty God. That’s why this electronic display board is so powerful. This is a strong and powerful method of putting people back in touch with their Maker. The LED board is an especially useful tool to reach the large number of people who don’t go to church, who got burned out by pastors and preachers and the bad example of other Christians. Even more exciting is the fact that the LED board makes divinely inspired scriptures accessible to all the people of all the different faiths as well. God loves Hindus. God loves Muslims. God loves atheists. Even if you don’t believe in God, He still believes in you!”

Church partnership
Recently, the elders and pastors of several churches in East London, Port Alfred, King William’s Town and Jeffreys Bay got behind a vision to build a giant cross on the premises of the Good News Church in King William’s Town on the main highway to Bisho. The King William’s Town cross will be similar to the Cross of Hope at Van Stadens Bridge and will be complemented by a giant electronic display board. leaders of a number of churches participated in a series of vision casting workshops and to date about R100 000 has been raised for the project..

Hift says: “The electronic display board can be manufactured to any size. We decided on a 1 560 x 580 mm board which cost around R24 000. It links to a laptop and you can then load whatever scriptures you want and change them as often as you want. One can display text in either one line or two lines up to five lines. After much research, I found a reliable company in Jo’burg who have given us good backup and support during the construction process.

“So if you are reading this story and you too become excited with the concept of the LED board;  if you too would like to help in the process of creating more and more electronic boards which herald God’s Holy Word, then here is how you can help:

“1. Each electronic LED board costs around R24 000. So if you can suggest the sponsors who will cover the cost, we can erect multiple display boards equivalent to the funds collected.

“2. You need to find the correct placements next to the South African roads which you think we can erect the LED boards, together from permission from the relevant landowner so that the maximum number of passersby will benefit from God’s Holy Word.

“If you have suggestions regarding the above, then you are invited to contact me [Robbie Hift] by e mail and I will try and help you. My email address is info@ecmirror.co.za. We know that you will be blessed in a mighty way if you are available to promote the inspired word of God electronically!”

One Comment

  1. I think this is absolutely what the world needs today. I drove by a board with onlt this on it – Jer.32:27 so now you memorise the verse to go to your bible and read that amazing script

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