Encouraging words from Joshua Mills at EL conference

Joshua and Janet Mills sharing their marriage story in East London.
Joshua and Janet Mills sharing their marriage story in East London.

The ruling spirit over South Africa is the Holy Spirit.

That was the word God gave Joshua Mills, of New Wine International, as he stepped off the airplane in Johannesburg arriving for his second visit to the country with his wife, Janet.

And that was just part of the encouragement the Canadian based fifth generation Pentecostalist shared with a full house of delegates and hungry glory hunters at the annual God Adventure Gathering of the Coals (GOTC) and Supernatural Lifestyle Conference in East London last week.

Speaking during one of the GOTC sessions for pastors, leaders and full time missionaries, Mills shared a testimony of how the glory invaded a whole community in Alaska and a village of 400 were saved.

“Why not South Africa,” he said.

God saved whole village
Janet said the village was known for alcohol abuse, rape, murder, suicide and drug taking but God saved the whole village.

“We hear story after story of what’s happening in South Africa but nothing is impossible with God. We declare transformation glory over SA. Glory that transforms cities and changes atmospheres,” Janet said.

Joshua said that healing was coming to the land and restoration was coming to South Africa.

Pastors from Gabon, the DRC and Tanzania and all over South Africa flew in for the conferences. Teams from GA have recently returned from mission trips to Gabon and the DRC.

Mills is an international keynote speaker and author, song writer and singer having written more than 600 worship songs. During the conference he ministered through spontaneous prophetic worship that ushered in the presence of God. People were deeply touched. 

15th wedding anniversary
The couple who celebrated their 15th anniversary on Sunday (September 14, 2014) spent two days at a lodge in Kruger National Park on Monday and Tuesday and are ministering in Pinetown this weekend.

On Sunday morning the church was delighted to hear the story of how Justin met and married his sweetheart, who he refers to affectionately as Janet Ang (short for Angela).  It was the first time he had told the story publicly.

He was playing the piano in a church when a group of girls began to dance. Janet was one of them.

“It was like a buffet for a teenage boy,” he said to roars of laughter. It took many attempts for his wife to take any notice of him. Janet had been described to him as a white girl with a black girl on the inside. Under the anointing he takes on the rhythm of an African American preacher and has a laugh that inspires more laughter.

The rest of the story will have to be retold by Mills in order to do it justice but it involves among other things, a drive-through wedding chapel in Las Vegas with a variety of marriage “combos”.

Travelling children
The couple have two children, Lincoln who is turning 13, and who has travelled to 45 nations since the age of nine months and Liberty who is going to be four. She has travelled to “15 or 16, I can’t remember”, says Janet describing her as not much of a traveller. The busy mom home schools the children and the only reason they didn’t come on this trip — Janet’s first to South Africa — was because they have just moved across the country. Joshua’s parents had moved in to help.

From London, Ontario, Canada, to East London, South Africa. There was a huge shift in the atmosphere and breakthrough during their visit including a spontaneous offering which was the biggest the church had received in 14 years.

Inspired by the late Ruth Ward Heflin, Mills said people often introduced him as being mentored by her. He hadn’t but he had received an impartation through her seven books on the glory.

Known for ministering from the glory realm often accompanied by signs and wonders such as gold dust, supernatural weight-loss, oil, financial and creative miracles and angelic visitation, Mills manifested gold on his face and clothes during his time in East London as did many others at the conference. Others had silver dust and glitter.

Gold dust
“Gold dust is a physical manifestation of something God is doing in the spiritual realm. He is bringing the heavenly into the earthly. I am not a sign chaser. Signs follow those who believe.”

Mills said where there was great love there was always great miracles.

“You can get 100 per cent healing success through love. When we are 100 per cent rested in the realms of the love of God we will see it. Jesus saw 100 per cent success and we will do greater things.”

“God’s dreams for you are much bigger than your own,” he said.

Pinetown conference
*The couple will be ministering at the Highway Christian Community, Pinetown, from Friday (September 19).

James Preston of Highway said Mills had previously ministered “incredibly powerfully” there in 2012.

The conference requires a pre-registration fee of R100pp, and is for the Friday and Saturday sessions. The Sunday morning and evening services are free. The schedule is as follows:

Friday 19th Sept 7-9pm:           Session 1

Saturday 20th 9am-10:30am:    Session 2

Saturday 20th 11am-1pm:         Session 3

Saturday 20th 7pm-9pm:           Session 4

Sunday 21th 9am-11am:           Sunday Service

Sunday 21th 6pm-8pm:            Celebration Session

Click to join movement

People can register and pay by visiting the church website: www.highway.org.za using the secure Credit Card facilityof PayFast.

For more information contact Highway Christian Community, 10 Harvey Rd, Pinetown or call +27 31 702 7320.


One Comment

  1. Saw you many times in Idaho, loved every time.Thank you.