Enoch Epoch — Belinda Ann Weber

Write it. Post it. Will it arrive at its destination?

Opportunity knocked on my door to write letters during the Covid pandemic in the year 2020. I set out eagerly making cards and sending love to those for whom I could find postal addresses. I stored the letters in an old chocolatier’s tin for a time when the postal service would operate once again. When would the love letters of encouragement be sent, and would the messages find their way to the persons intended?

A few weeks later I ran out of envelopes.

Lockdown began to turn my attention to the greatest Author of all time. So much time alone with God began to grow into time reading God’s love letters to me. I received the morning greetings from His creation all around me. The sun-kiss on my cheek as I walked in the garden. I began to await the call of the fish eagle or the robin, like hearing the whistling postman plop colourful mail in my letterbox. I long for snail mail! My heart began to sing with the birds. I started to praise the God of all Creation in the small details of life. From morning to evening, from season to season during these lockdown days, I have learned to read the love letters from His chirpy messengers in the sky.
A day came when I could hand-deliver some of the letters from the chocolatier’s tin. I popped them in the letterboxes of their recipients with such elation. The letters had been set free. Other letters from the pile had to wait until the postal service ran again.

I continued my time with God by reading through the love letters to His Church, His bride. These are letters that never grow old. Letters that come alive and speak to me of eternal love. Along with these love letters, I became more aware of the basics of life: food, water and shelter. Time seemed to have slowed or at least, I slowed to a pace in keeping with the One who created me. He knows me well. He knows the pace I need to be living at; breathing and communing with Him. His Word is food and water. His Word, His Son Jesus, came to give us life eternal. This is the basic truth to hold on to in such uncertain times. A world full of uncertainty, but a life full of certainty in the One who made us. He knows me very well. He is my Shelter. He is my Saviour. I can trust Him. I can rely on His love letters of hope. He provides all I need.

:PHOTO: Anvesh/unsplash.com

The mail system wheels began to turn once again, making deliveries.

The chocolatier’s tin now stands empty.

A huge parcel arrived one day via a courier service. A delivery of books entitled Just Water, Please! I had completed another project of reflections. I stood with the final fruit in my hands, ready to be sent to others. I made my own envelopes and began posting these books, protected with bubble wrapping as they travelled to their destinations. Will they arrive safely?

The post office could not promise an expected arrival time of the letters and books. I needed to trust the Lord with this process. A parcel to Israel also waited. Certain countries are open to receive mail and parcels, but Israel is not one of them yet.

The days stretched into winter storms here in the Southern Hemisphere. The internet is often down. The power is often off. The dams fill up. The supply of envelopes here in Tulbagh are slow in being delivered.

I start to write again about the new wine that is flowing from a pandemic of fear. God is showing us the original plan, His Eden-blueprint plan to walk with Him every step of the way. Another book is in progress, one to send out in God’s perfect timing. My thoughts are being shaped and moulded in this season by the truth of who God says I am in Christ. I am His. I am His beloved. His love letters in the sky, sand and sounds are fine-tuning me into all He has purposed me for. I am like a new wineskin awaiting its new wine.

Five years back I moved to this town where I knew no one. I installed the biggest red letterbox on the gatepost of our home. I recall my Facebook post at the time. I asked all my Facebook friends to mail a postcard or letter to my home address. In time, a few arrived. Today, this big red letterbox remains empty. The internet has taken over snail-mail. Yet emails or electronic messages are not the same for me. I need to feel the paper. I need to see the ink. I need to read the hand-written pages. I need to store them in my treasure box of memories for a time like this. I want to be able to see them again. I long to see and hear from friends and family.

While I write this letter today, it is grey, wet and cold. If I listen… I can hear the birds chirping regardless of the weather. They continue to commune and communicate. In this season, we have so much to learn about communicating and fellowshipping as the Bride of Christ.

27th March 2020 began what I call an “Enoch Epoch” time for me in South Africa. In a computing context, an epoch is the date and time relative to which a computer’s clock and timestamp values are determined. The epoch traditionally corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00), Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), on a specific date, which varies from system to system. An epoch, for the purposes of chronology and periodisation, is an instant in time chosen as the origin of a particular calendar era. The epoch serves as a reference point from which time is measured. For me, 27th March 2020 marks the fact that here in South Africa, life will not be the same again: things will be different.

Lockdown is like a reset button [00.00.0000].

Lockdown is the epoch time to put all the locks down. What locks do we still have in our lives? Locks on our doors. Locks on our hearts. Locks on our pantry cupboards. Locks on communication. Locks on fellowship. Locks on celebrations. Locks on hugs and handshakes. However, just because it is grey around me, does not mean I need to be dull-in-mind.

“Embrace the grey,” I heard God say.

These messages from God are personal, sometimes a short sentence like one cloud, white and bright, dotted against a vast blue sky. Other times I find the encouraging message or answer to prayers amongst the many pages of His Word. I do not take for granted the privilege to hold the pages of the Bible.

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PHOTO: Jan Tinneman/unsplash.com

The Holy Spirit is like a key that unlocks the doors to greater heights of freedom by our acts of faith. We have the key to peace and joy no matter our circumstances.
Throw the locks of fear away.
Take action.
Use your key.
Step through to the more excellent WAY.

Walk with God through all the doors of opportunity to be blessed and to be a blessing. Take the steps of faith today.
Enoch walked with the Word. He walked with the One who spoke all the universe into being. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.1

Enoch did not die. Locks down! Put down what you are doing and hear the voice of God. Put down the things you are busy with and walk with God! If this was the last letter I ever typed… what would I want to say to the world of human beings made in His image? “Be obedient to the Father God’s voice. Seek Him out. He is always with us. Commune with Him.”

There is nothing more important to me in these days but to hear God’s voice and to share the good news of eternal life with others. “By faith, Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: ‘He could not be found, because God had taken him away’. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God”2 Before God took Enoch away, His purpose for Enoch was to tell us the good news of stepping into faith and pleasing Him in our faith actions. The result? Never seeing death!

Jude 1.14 – “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,” (KJV)

Jude 1.15 – “To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” (KJV)

Enoch shows us how important it is to declare the coming of Christ and to share the good news of eternal life with all. He encourages us to speak the truth and prophesy.

Genesis 5.22 – “And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:”

Genesis 5.24 (KJV) – “And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him.”
Enoch’s story bears the good news of the fruitfulness of generations and the legacy of the message of eternal life.

Jesus then enters the world and asks this question: “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” 3
Jesus is the good news of eternal life.
Do you believe this?
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.”4
This is good news.
Do you believe this?

“Now of the things which we have spoken [this is] the sum: We have such a high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;”5
This is good news.
Jesus died and rose again. And we sit with Him.

“But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”6
This is good news. Have faith.
Believe the Word.

This grey day has turned my doubts and fears into dancing. To keep warm, I have worshipped the Most High God with music and dance. In my room, I have typed this letter to share my lockdown day 105: one of hope; of a light in the darkness. His name is Jesus. I have embraced the grey and it has turned into a rainbow of hope and joy. God is a rewarder. He simply loves us so much.

Lockdown is a place of shelter and restful reflection. God has my attention every moment of the day. I am discovering a little more about this Enoch Epoch eternal life each day as I awake and breathe in the rhythms of our Father’s heartbeat for a new era.

I am putting my locks down! I am alive forever!
God bless you abundantly, dear reader.
Much love from

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Belinda Ann Weber,
To God be the glory, great things He has done.

1. Genesis 5.24
2. Hebrews 11.5 (NIV)
3. John 11:26 (KJV)
4.John 8:51 (KJV)
5. Hebrews 8. 1 (KJV)
6. Hebrews 11.6 (KJV)

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  1. Thanks for sharing these precious encouraging thoughts Lily-B.
    May I assume my letter is in the post?

  2. Amazing how isolation helps us focus more fully on the Lord, however, Belinda, I hope you have found friends in your little town. Looking forward to your next posting.

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