“Ex killer, drug addict” will share platform with Buchan at KMMC

Former policeman and drug addict Johnny Louw (right) was miraculously saved with a gun in his hand, while contemplating suicide. Both he and Angus Buchan (left), will be speaking at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2012 in April.

Johnny Louw was “lost and is found”; he was almost dead but is reborn and reconciled with his Heavenly Father.

Now, it is his greatest joy to lead others to reconciliation with 0ur Father through accepting salvation in Jesus Christ.

Louw says the same voice that saved him on that beachfront said: “Johnny I want you to go and tell my boys they must wake up”.

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Louw, who will be speaking at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2012 (KMMC 2012), describes himself as an ex-policeman, ex-killer and ex-drug addict, who for 31 years served the world in its rush for money, fulfilling the cravings of the flesh, fame and power.

Alone and feeling empty
However, nothing satisfied Louw or brought him any lasting contentment. There was always a lust for more – more alcohol, more drugs, more girls, more popularity, and more money. After all was said and done, he was always left alone with a deep feeling of emptiness in his being.

“My dad died when I was about three years-old, after which I moved with my mother from Calvinia to Nieuwoudtville. I grew-up up-in a conservative, hard area in Namaqualand in the then racist South Africa,” says Louw.

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“As a young boy and adult I watched the world in search of my identity – a search that led me to sad misconceptions and rebellion. I was molested for about seven years by an older boy without realising the impact it had on my life.

“After I left school, I worked in the South African Police (SAP) for want of a job and lack of funds to further my studies.
“As a policeman during the apartheid era I learned more of hardness, separation and killing.

Prayer preparation plays a big part in the KMMC. The next monthly, 40 hour prayer meeting starts on Fiday, February 17. See above for information about how you can participate.

“I started using drugs while in the police force and a double life began.

“In 2000, I left the SAP and become a businessman living the fast and high-life.

“In 2003, after a life of drink, drugs and gambling had destroyed my integrity as a person, I was trapped in a web of guilt and remorse having been caught red-handed stealing money.

“In the depths of despair, with my family and friends turned against me, I decided to commit suicide as I felt there was nothing left for me,” explains Louw.

Life changing miracle
That day a miracle took place that would change Louw’s life completely.

”Sitting in my car on the beachfront with a gun in my hand, intent on killing myself, God spoke to me, inviting me to come to Him and be His child,” he says.

“I surrendered to God the Father and gave my heart to the Lord Jesus as my saviour and redeemer. I repented and asked for forgiveness.

“A new man was born by God’s grace from the ashes of a torn life. Through His gentle voice the Lord lifted me from the pit, encouraged me to take responsibility, to forgive and to honour Him in my thoughts, words and deeds.

“The longing for a father figure, the fears and insecurities were slowly filled by the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in me.

“The peace and harmony, which now reigns in my life is due to His liberating power that is available to every living person.

God restoring His image in men
“My message is that God is restoring His image in men. His image of love, mercy and peace has made me a man; made me humble and bold, a warrior dressed in the armour of God.”

Louw says the same voice that saved him on that beachfront said: “Johnny I want you to go and tell my boys they must wake up”.

“Joel 3:9 says; Proclaim this among the nations: ‘Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up’.

“I just went ahead wildly, preaching on the streets and from the streets I was invited to churches and from local churches I was invited nationally.

“I didn’t know of Angus Buchan at the time, but in 2007 I went to see the film ‘Faith Like Potatoes’ after which I  attended the Mighty Men Conference  and when Angus walked onto the stage the Lord said to me: ‘he will be your spiritual father’.

“In 2008 I was invited to be the master of ceremonies for a meeting of Angus’ and was able to meet him.

Spiritual son
“We were immediately spiritually connected and he invited me to his farm Shalom where he asked me to become his spiritual son.

“Since then dad Angus has been guiding me with my ministry and the Lord has opened doors.”

Today, Louw is a full-time evangelist, motivational speaker, and does radio and TV work. However, children are his passion and warning them of the pitfalls of the world has become his core ministry.

“I have addressed more than 300 000 children with motivational seminars and character-building programmes in this calling, established 70 men’s interdenominational groups and visited over 250 churches across South Africa being a servant of the Lord Jesus.

“I sometimes can’t believe how this all started and have asked the Lord: ‘where did all of this start?’.

“He has answered me saying: ‘It started with my Word. It started when you heard my voice, when the lost little boy from Namaqualand found his Father and came home. You were filled with love, you were filled with grace, you were filled with my mercy and you saw who you are in me’.”

Louw will be witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2012 (KMMC 2012), which will take place from April 27 to 29 on the outskirts of Middelburg in the Eastern Cape at Rusoord Farm.



  1. Go for it boys – I will be praying for you !!

  2. Johnny your story is confirmation of what a MIGHTY GOD we serve. He has so much GRACE, and I love HIM more and more every day. Obedience to our Heavenly Father is so important in our walk with HIM. Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless Best Wishes Agnes

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