Facebook group ‘Virgin Mary should’ve aborted’ taken down, new group started

Originally published in The Christian Post

On the world’s largest social media site a controversial group page accused of being hateful toward Christian belief has been taken down.

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“Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted,” which had at its peak about 6,800 likes, was taken down Wednesday likely in response to complaints from Christian activists.

The effort against the page was spearheaded by the Facebook group “Catholics & Protestants Against FB Religious Discrimination.”

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Cary Bogue, founder of the Facebook group, Catholics & Protestants Against FB Religious Discrimination, said in a statement that he was “pleased” with the removal.

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“We want to extend our thanks to Facebook for its response, despite the tremendous pressure they must have felt from the LGBT/Atheist community,” said Bogue.

“We believe they responded appropriately. While it may have been a bitter pill to swallow, they stepped up and did the right thing and we will not take that credit away from them.”

Created in February, the “Mary Should’ve Aborted” page included sacrilegious pictures and was overseen by two admins doting the names “Z” and “Lilith.”

“The bible is a load of outdated traditional horse manure and has no place in education, laws, politics or government,” read the description of the group, in part.

“Organized religion is a man-made tool to control society and justify oppression, currently dividing and destroying the planet.”
The admins encouraged debate on religion and politics, explaining that if individuals are offended by their page then they should join it and offer arguments in response.

Many Christians demanded that Facebook shut the page down due to it being “hate speech,” with one online petition calling for its removal getting over 16,000 signatures.

In an earlier interview with The Christian Post, Bogue explained that this was not about a difference of opinion, but rather about the content of the page.

“We’re not trying to censor anyone, but this falls under the category of hate speech,” said Bogue to CP last week.
“It’s one thing to say we’re atheists and we’re proud of it…it’s another thing to say his mother should have aborted him.”
Hours after Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted was taken down, the group’s admins created a new page named “Virgin Mary STILL Should’ve Aborted.”

“Tired of being pushed around by religious hypocrisy. We will get our page back,” reads the “About” section for the new page, which has already garnered over 750 likes.

According to one of the admins, the old page has been “temporarily unpublished” by Facebook but that they “are fighting” the decision under the belief that they never promoted hate speech.

“At no point did we promote violence. We will be back. But for now.. please log your complaints here,” reads a post from the moderators on the new page.



  1. If people don’t believe God exists , why do they bother with Him??

  2. Christian Belief is a very real threat to you guys! If it were not so you wouldn’t be so passionate about it !!!

  3. The fear that Satan has is palpable in such writings. Similar to the fear displayed when Christians are executed for their faith in Islamic countries. It is fear that drives people to hate to the extent that they need to behave in this way. We serve a mighty God. If people did not believe in Him then why the effort.

  4. beware – God will not be mocked!

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