Family, marriage consultation in NMB

Pastor Mvusi Gwam, chairperson of Transformation Christian Network

The wellbeing of marriages and family life in Nelson Mandela Bay will be at the heart of a Christian leaders’ consultation at Hoogland Dutch Reformed Church from 8am to 1pm on Thursday, July 28.

Pastors, NGOs and representatives of marriage and family ministries are invited to join in exploring ways to work together towards making healthy family life a priority in the metro.

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Port Elizabeth FAMSA Director Erna Jonker will deliver a presentation entitled “First Step to Healing the South African Family”, which echoes the title of a recent SA Institute of Race Relations research paper that documented alarming levels of family breakdown in South Africa.

In another presentation, Brian Helsby of  Heartlines, will discuss how the new forgood social media networking platform and social media can be used to promote family.

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“The objective is to network, take stock, assess, the current challenges facing the family and join hands to explore ways in which we could work together to ensure that the focus on families remains a priority in our city,” says Pastor Mvusi Gwam, chairperson of Transformation Christian Network, which initiated the event.

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“We believe that God’s plan is the answer to bringing real joy and meaning into family life. Wouldn’t it be great if people saw NM Bay as the family capital of SA, the best place to bring up children and a city where everybody works together to promote healthy families?” he says in an invitation sent to Christian leaders and organisations.

More information about the event can be obtained from Margie Noble (041 581 5726), Trevor Jennings (079 504 1892) or Mvusi Gwam (072 112 4056).

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