Farmers invited to special prayer time in PE on Saturday

Blessing Marunga

Farmers in the Port Elizabeth area are invited to attend a special prayer time for farmers at the crosses at Fountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Newcombe Avenue, Walmer Heights from 3pm to 4pm on Saturday.

Blessing Marunga who is leading a 90-days of daily prayer for revival at the crosses said the plan is to pray with farmers “to encourage them because of what is happening in the country — and to pray for unity”.

With just over a week to go to complete the 90-days which ends on October 31, Marunga said that from time to time God had highlighted the need to pray against specific works of the devil.

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“God wants us to pray for our farmers, to pray for our unity. Wherever the works of the devil have been erupting I feel God says pray there — close that!”

“We need to keep on proclaiming the work of the blood of Jesus over our farmers and our nation. No matter how dark it is, we overcome by the power of the blood of Jesus,” he said.

Referring to Revelation 12: 9-11, he said the devil is doing his worst to frustrate and divide people because he knows his time is running out. But we could oppose his works by speaking and pleading the blood of Jesus.

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“The blood is also able to soften any heart and to reconcile us,” he said.

Since August 1 Marunga has spent an hour on his knees at the crosses every day — from 3pm to 4pm on Saturdays and from 5pm to 6pm on other days. Sometimes he has company. Sometimes — especially when it is raining or windy — he is alone. If you would like to join him in praying for global revival during the final stretch you are welcome.

He said he has been gratified by testimonies from some people who have spent some hours at the cross of personal prayers that have been answered and how they have experienced inner healing.

He also said he was pleased to note that his example has had an effect of awakening and challenging some people regarding prayer.

“Sometimes. while I am kneeling at the cross, someone is about to leave the church [the parking area is next to the crosses] but because I am there they are drawn to come and pray.”

In recognition of his faithfulness in prayer the church has presented Marunga with “kneelies” — pads to protect his knees while praying.

Support farmers hit by arson attacks
With farmers around SA severely affected by fires started by arsonists, people who wish to help financially or in kind, are invited to contact the Transvaal Agricultural Union by calling Lynette du Plessis at +27 82 823 3399 or visit the Burre Burger Facebook page at for more info and banking details on how you can help farmers.

More info on the fire attacks:

Testimony: power of prayer in fire crisis:

One Comment

  1. The example set by men of God like Blessing Marunga ignite a fire and passion in my heart to pray. Thank you for your obedience and love for the Lord. May many people come alongside you as you kneel before the Lord.

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