Father-son team launch free online tool to help Christians season text messages with grace

An Australian father-and-son team, Francis and Kieran Walsh have created an online tool which helps Christians to align their text messages with the wisdom found in God’s Word

Called Message With Grace the tool can be found at www.messagewithgrace.com.

All you have to do is copy and paste your message into the Message With Grace home page before you send it. You will see a set of results instantly.

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The programme identifies the six most prominent emotions in a message and measures how strongly the writer appears to be allowing God to ease their fears.

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More than that, it shows a message’s level of energy, gratefulness to God, and how much the writer appears to hold God in their heart.

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“Message With Grace is like a spiritual Grammarly for Christians..” say Francis and Kieran.

Message With Grace ioes not use Ai. It’s programme is based on an electronic dictionary incorporating a new method of analysing language which focuses on the emotions and intent of the language.

The messages analysed by the programme are secure, private, and no information about the writer is captured or used in any way.

“One issue we have had to deal with is people using new words, such as slang, abbreviations, and even common spelling mistakes, which are not already in our dictionary. Our programme identifies them but detaches the new word entirely from the message, so we have no record of who used that new word,” Francis said.

Kieran added: “One aspect of the programme that we didn’t realise as we were creating it was its affect on the writers themselves. With the relevant Bible quotes and brief explanations in the results, people have indicated that they feel they are being uplifted and have much greater understanding of themselves and how to become more aligned to the teaching of the Bible.”

With technology becoming more integrated into the life of our churches, it seems that the power of the Lord is at work to spread His grace to everyone by all available means.

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