“The greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends.” — John 15.13 TPT

For me to change, for you to change, for those around us to change and for global change we need a baptism of Holy Love and a passion that will take more than a quick dip and dash into His presence, a conference on change or transformation, a picket, a march. Oh Jesus, help us, we need an immersion in your fiery Love.
Heart matters
With all credit due we have tried to speak eloquent English, impeccable vernacular languages, languages of rising or falling nations, adapted our minds and learnings to reaching different people groups. Yet the communication of our heart is often misinterpreted as none other than a clanging cymbal — this resulting in possible no-go communication!!
So, we cry out for help to search our hearts as David did! Perhaps Holy Spirit is speaking in other tongues to demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven and we cannot truly hear. The fields are white unto harvest. Lord, is it wheat or cotton? Or is it both?
Prophetic mysteries for today
We believe we have heard from the Lord with deep hidden mysteries of prophetic insight to comfort and uplift God’s people, but when we have not learned to love not even the least of them, then I, you and we are nothing.
What a challenge when faced with the proposition of insight into a people group not of own background and choice! As people from different tribes and tongues, what is it that we are facing right now?
There is a movement of people groups around the globe for many reasons including much uncertainty. If we cannot reach out in Love, we are as lost as any migrant. However, if the call for the greatest harvest the world has ever seen is to be reaped in souls, then we need to be empowered and baptised with such a Love as we have never experienced in our lifetime.
We should not be afraid of the scattering of people; how else would you and I leave the comfort of our country club churches and go?
Give all you have
Not just here in South Africa, but all around the world, the global pandemic has ravaged at the very core of the supply chain for food which sustains life itself. Give everything you have, feed the starving, but if do it without the right motive, my dear friend, that is me included — rather eat the food in your own depravity of self-glorification than give without Love.
What is Love? (1 Cor 13 TPT-inspired)
Love is large and incredibly patient. Love will not run out on you. It will patiently endure mistreatment even in difficult relationships. Under the scrutiny of a watchful and public eye. But wait, before you chart up all those who have done you wrong, forgive them and become transformed by the power of His Love. It’s gentle and consistently kind to all. Love refuses to boil with jealousy. Love provides, for you too! Love does not brag, nor does it inflate its own importance. Love is secure.
Love does not traffic and barter in your shame and disrespect. It’s not easily irritated nor quickly offended. Love focuses on what is good. Celebrating honesty and truth and finds no delight in anything unrighteous. The only righteousness is Christ alone.
Imagine that Love is a safe shelter, always believing the best for others and never taking failure as defeat. It never gives up.
For now, we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face. Our understanding is incomplete now, but one day we will understand everything, just as everything about us has been fully understood by Abba God.
Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and love—yet Love surpasses them all. So, above all else, let Love be the beautiful perfect prize for which you run.
“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” — John 3:16
He is the King of Kings, worthy of our love for eternity
Abba Father is love
Footnote: Here is a magnificent, Word-based song to exalt the Lord and strengthen yourselves this Easter.
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Marian Thank you for sharing the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, the heart of the Father. May the Holy Spirit fill us, change us and make us instruments of love and peace in His hands. Bless you.
Shew, Beautiful thank you. Lord help me!