Flying Free: Book review

flyingfreeBook Review by Val Viljoen


This is Helen Phillips’ third book. In her first book Fly with Me she relates the remarkable story of her diagnosis as a multiple sclerosis sufferer, how God gave her faith that he would heal her and her journey to complete recovery from this dreaded, incapacitating and terminal disease.

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During her life she had also had to deal with other extremely challenging circumstances and her second book Flying in Recovery is a response to divorced people asking for help and counselling based on Helen’s own experience of God’s grace and healing in that area.

She is thus certainly well qualified to teach on the theme of reaching one’s full potential, as she does in Flying Free. She is clear and forthright as she writes about the ‘how to’s” of working in partnership with God in living a life of freedom and joy.

Helen places much emphasis on starting from a point of knowing who one is in relation to God and how He loves us as a son or daughter. We need to understand also that we need to make the right choices as to what we think and say, so that our minds can be renewed to experience all that God has for us.

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Communication with others and of course with God in prayer are looked at, as are the the need to forgive and to cut soul-ties. There is much reference to scripture in this encouraging book. Flying Free could be helpful to Christians of all levels of maturity, containing as it does such timeless truths. We are all wanting to fly like an eagle, soaring above the storms of life.

This book can be purchased online.

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