FOR SA posts resources to help you respond to ‘Prostitution Bill’ by Tuesday deadline

ACDP protest outside Parliament in Cape Town on Monday against the ‘Prostitution Bill’ (PHOTO: Facebook)

With the government apparently intent on rushing through a controversial bill which aims to decriminalise prostitution, FOR SA has posted some guidelines and links to help Christians have their say on the matter by the Tuesday January 31 deadline for comments.

The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill was published for public comment on December 9, just before the start of the festive holiday season, and citizens were given just over 7 weeks to respond to the bill which has far-reaching social and economic implications if it becomes law. Seemingly, the Department off Justice has ignored appeals from several Christian leaders for an extension of the comment period.

FOR SA has posted an article and video on its website to  highlight several considerations which it believes “members of the religious sector may find relevant and to help them to comment on this bill”. The article includes links where you can find supplementary information, and links to assist you to either submit your comments via the Dear SA platform or by emailing the department directly.

Among the concerns that FOR SA lists in its article are that the government is pushing a bill despite:
– a growing body of scientific evidence that shows that full decriminalisation of prostitution is harmful
– the findings and recommendations of the SA Law Reform Commission that warned that legalising prostitution would be “dangerous”.

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