FOR SA reminds government of need to consult with religious sector before mandating vaccines

PHOTO: Steven Cornfeld/

Imposing mandatory vaccination on religious gatherings would impact the constitutional right to religious freedom, and the legal autonomy of religious institutions, says Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) in a letter sent to President Ramaphosa yesterday.

“As such, Government is legally obliged to specifically consult with the religious sector before any mandatory vaccination policy or regulations are imposed on them,” says the letter signed by Advocate Nadene Badenhorst, legal counsel for FOR SA.

The letter refers to remarks by the president during an address to the nation on Sunday, November 28 in which he spoke of consulting with social partners and stakeholders about making vaccination mandator for specific locations.

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“While religious gatherings were not specifically mentioned in your address, we note that groups like Business for South Africa (B4SA) have subsequently proposed mandatory vaccination for “places of worship”, it says.

FOR SA requests that in view of its large constituency it be included in Government’s consultation with the religious sector.

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The full text of the letter follows:

Dear President Ramaphosa,


We refer to your address to the nation on Sunday evening, 28 November 2021, including your statement that Government has been “undertaking engagements with social partners and other stakeholders on introducing measures that make vaccination a condition for access to workplaces, public events, public transport and public establishments”, and that Government would be consulting on making vaccination mandatory for “specific activities and locations”.

While religious gatherings were not specifically mentioned in your address, we note that groups like Business for South Africa (B4SA) have subsequently proposed mandatory vaccination for “places of worship”.

The imposition of mandatory vaccination on religious gatherings will clearly have implications for the constitutional right to religious freedom, and the legal autonomy of religious institutions to determine their internal affairs (including the grounds on which they will allow / refuse persons access to their meetings) free from interference by the State.

As such, Government is legally obliged to specifically consult with the religious sector before any mandatory vaccination policy or regulations are imposed on them.

In particular, Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) requests that, given the large constituency that we have represented before Government in the matter of COVID-19 and the implications thereof on the religious sector (namely religious leaders and organisations representing at least 15.5 million people from a cross-spectrum of denominations, churches and faith groups) to date, we be included in Government’s consultation with the religious sector on the issue of mandatory vaccination.

We look forward to hearing from you in this regard.

Adv Nadene L. Badenhorst
Legal Counsel, FOR SA

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  1. Hugh George WETMORE

    With respect, we note that FoR SA uses only LEGAL arguments in stating its case to President Ramaphosa. But if we look at this from a purely CHRISTIAN perspective, Churches will always act on the Mandate of our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us to always act in the interests of OTHERS . “Love OTHERS (sacrificially) as I have loved you” (John 13:34 and 15:12-14). The Mandate of Jesus is far more mandatory than any human legal mandate could ever be. Every Christian should be vaccinated, out of LOVE for OTHERS. Then Churches will be the safest place to be – and for Others to be as well.

  2. I don’t think it would be appropriate for FoRSA to throw Bible texts at the State President. His function is to be impartial on religious matters, and the only appropriate context for discourse in such a relationship would be the legal one.

  3. Hugh George Wetmore, I note your comments and totally and utterly disagree with you.
    You don’t know what you are talking about as you don’t show love by allowing or putting POISON in your body.
    God himself did not make or force us to serve him, but instead said ‘whosoever will’ . Anything forced or mandated is not from God. Have you ever listened to Dr. Peter McCullagh, If not, first listen to him and then voice your stupid opinion! Furthermore, please note the following by reading it very carefully and digesting it:
    It is a KNOWN fact stated by many doctors including virologists, who speak out against the vaccine in the strongest terms that it was rushed through and done at a reckless speed unlike all the other vaccines with NO long term studies done on it, and the ‘big pharm’ are using the human race as the guinea pigs with NUMEROUS side effects reported and MANY deaths which have all been hushed and muted up. Big Pharm make $1000 per second on this vaccine!!

    Please explain to me why approximately 10 countries are now recommending a booster shot for all VACCINATED people, and as they say “if this does not work” on VACCINATED people, a FOURTH jab will be given – or maybe a fifth jab, even by the MD of Pfizer himself.
    Just imagine having all that stuff inserted into my body four or five times and even more. The ingredients in the vaccine have not been made known and declared a ‘top secret’ – why, what are they hiding!! When you buy any food or drink products at your local supermarket, ALL the ingredients are stated on the product, not so, so why are the ingredients in this vaccine not declared by these big Pharm’s?? Why??

    Why is the answer to EVERY question asked about long term side effects – saying: ‘very rare”, when in fact has been proven is an outright LIE with so many law suits, in many countries of the world.
    Side effects such as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis or heart muscle inflammation have already been reported with COVID-19 vaccines plus more but quoted as saying ‘very rare’!

    • Thousands of cases all over the world have been reported about Myocarditis, Guillain Barr syndrome and thrombocytopeniam, including blood clots, venous sinus thrombosis, swollen lymph nodes, heavy menstrual periods, and many more etc, etc.? (That’s why the jab has been called “The CLOT shot”….
    • Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the pericardium.
    Why did Pfizer and the rest of the big Pharms state that they are exempt from any law suit or action of side effects or death, disabilities, incapacities, etc when taking the vaccine?
    Unfortunately in many Countries around the World, big Pharm have made sure that they accept no liability and most governments have also followed this trend which indemnifies them from any liability.
    So in saying you will be recorded as just another COVID-19 death statistic!! With these highly experimental vaccines no one wants to accept liability but only the uniformed who are willing to accept untested poison into their body.

    What about the MANY whistle blowers who actually worked at Pfizer and reported about the unclean data in vaccine trials?
    Why has YouTube shut down, banned, removed many websites where thousands of Frontline Doctors spoke out against the dangers relating to Covid? This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.

    Why were all of the Front Line Doctors kicked out & dismissed?
    In many countries, infection numbers are rising, despite many people being vaccinated. Scientists say the efficacy of COVID vaccines wanes over time – started at 90% and after six months down to 65% and after 8 months 45%. In 2022 everyone who got two shots, now must go for the booster shot, and if that does not work, another one – how many more shots before it works. Its laughable, and absolutely ridiculous.
    Israel was the first country to vaccinate approximately 90% of the population. Despite this, Israel is experiencing the forth wave and re-vaccinating all the VACCINATED people again!!?? I hear daily of personal friends of mine who have had the two shots and now got Covid again. What’s the point?? It has not worked, and will not work – time will tell including all the side effects not now, but next year, and the next year etc.

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