Former abortion clinic owner: We pushed sex ed on kids to create a market for abortion

Carol Everett.

Originally published in Life News

Former abortion clinic workers are warning parents about how the abortion industry uses sex education programs to groom children for risky sexual behaviour and sell more abortions.

Carol Everett, who owned and ran abortion clinics for many years before she became pro-life, recently spoke about the problem at a fundraiser for an Arkansas pregnancy resource centre, the Harrison Daily Times reports.

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“I sold abortions,” Everett told the crowd. “How do you do that? It’s called sex education.”

She said her abortion clinics carefully crafted a sex education program that encouraged young students to have sex, making them vulnerable to pregnancy and abortions, a big money-maker.

“You don’t take your kids out and get them really good and drunk and teach them how to drive safely,” Everett explained. “We give them a moral absolute — don’t drink and drive, you can be killed. Why would we compromise them in this important area of their sexuality by giving them a low moral standard to live down to, rather than the highest and best — God’s plan for marriage which still works every time.”

When she travelled around to schools teaching sex education, she said she really was selling abortions.

“Our goal was 3-5 abortions between the ages of 13-18. But you can’t go to them at the age of 12 and tell them ‘I want you to get pregnant next year,’” she said.

“You have to break down the natural modesty, separate them from their parent’s values and you have to become an expert (sexpert) in their life,” Everett continued. “In Texas, there is a program that targets kindergarteners and encourages students to experiment with intercourse in the third grade.”

Everett said she used to teach sex education to fifth- and sixth-grade students, according to the report.

“My goal was to get them pregnant. We offered low-dose birth control pills for $45 (R660) a month which we knew she would get pregnant on. Abortion is a method of birth control for many and there is more than a 50% repeat rate,” she said.

It all came down to money. Everett said her goal was to become rich by making money off abortions.

“We tried to average 10-12 abortions an hour and the price varied between $300 (R4 396) to $10 000 (R146 500) with the average at $500 (R7 326),” she said. “Doctors were paid as independent contractors at the end of the day — in cash. Each clinic paid for itself in one month, then it was a cash cow.”

Eventually, she had a change of heart and left the abortion industry. Today, she is a pro-life speaker and advocate for pregnant and parenting women and their children.

“I eventually came face to face with the reality I had been involved with the murder of 35,000 babies, the death of one woman and maiming of 19 other women. In the last 18 months, one out of 500 women had a hysterectomy and colostomy and one woman bled to death,” she said.

Everett’s testimony is one of many. Hundreds of former abortion workers have left the industry after realizing how it harms women and kills children. Monica Cline, a former Planned Parenthood volunteer educator who, like Everett, taught sex education, also quit after she realized how the abortion chain’s sex education program was “grooming” students for abortions. Now she also is speaking out against its problematic programs and encouraging responsible education and parent involvement on the issues of sex and abortion.


  1. what a load of trash I cannot believe the nonsense people believe it’s as bad as saying all red heads are demon possessed. Serously things like this make Christianity look like a joke to the rest of the world. Perhaps if parents taught their kids the right way at home when they get taught stuff in school they would already know right from wrong. I cannot believe that I’ve just read so much nonsense.

  2. Every theory is married to a practical session, you can not divorce the two. If we teach children about sex but still rate tv programmes due to nudity and sex to be for those over 18 years, are we not contradicting our selves? The children will definitely practice what they learn. You can not talk about sexaul activities and not arouse the feelings of those vulnerable innocent children whose hormones are at the peak of sky rocketing.
    The government is taking over parenting and subjecting children to all sorts of unbecoming behaviours. The most suffering nation is blacks where tired and sick grandmothers found themselves in the prison of becoming nannies to fatherless grand children to whom they have to administer ARVs and buy food for them with their pension money.

  3. I don’t believe these people have “changed”. I believe there’s less children getting pregnant and/or having abortions as statistics show the population isn’t growing as fast as it was before. So since the “cash cow” has run it’s course, now they are all of a sudden, “pro-life” as sex & human trafficking has picked up! It’s a sick money hungry world we live in!

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