Former abortion facility manager turns to Christ, recants pro-abortion beliefs

Terri...former abortion facility manager turned Christian pro-lifer.
Terri…former abortion facility manager turned Christian pro-lifer.

Originally published in Christian News

A woman who operated a Florida abortion facility for over ten years told a pro-life counselor last week that she has quit her career and dedicated her life to Jesus Christ after becoming convinced that abortions are wrong.

The woman, named Terri, shared her story with John Barros, who has been involved in pro-life ministry for over 10 years. Since August of 2010, Barros has daily reached out to women visiting Orlando Women’s Center (OWC) and encouraged the women to not terminate their pregnancies.

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As previously reported, OWC generated national media attention last year when police raided the facility and seized property from the center’s notorious owner, James Pendergraft. The property seizure was the result of a court ruling, in which Pendegraft was fined $36.7 million for a botched abortion which left a child severely disabled.

Last week, while Barros and other pro-life counselors were speaking with people in front of OWC, Terri stopped her car in the street and asked Barros, “What are you people doing here?” After Barros explained that they were encouraging women to not get abortions and instead turn to Jesus, Terri parked her car in the driveway and walked over to the pro-life counselors.

“I thought she was going to be angry or something,” Barros told Christian News Network in an interview.

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Terri explained to Barros that she had run an Orlando abortion facility—All Women’s Health Center—for ten-and-a-half years. Not only had Terri been an adamant supporter of abortions, but she told Barros that she had always hated to see pro-life demonstrators in front of her former workplace.

However, Terri then informed Barros that she has completely changed her stance on abortion and now believes that it is wrong to end the lives of unborn children. She told Barros that she quit her job at the abortion facility and has dedicated her life to Jesus Christ.

“She’s really showing repentance and she’s really broken up over what she’s done,” Barros explained.

Terri told Barros that she often experiences deep pain and regret for the abortions she oversaw in her former workplace, especially the late-term operations. Barros responded by telling her about the forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ.

“At one point she said, ‘I can’t do enough to erase this,’” Barros recounted. “And I said, ‘None of us can. 1st John tells us that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, and that includes what you’ve done.’”

Terri was moved by the message and allowed Barros to record a video of her sharing her personal testimony. The video is now posted on YouTube and may be viewed below.

“[The gospel] floored her,” Barros stated. “She started crying and agreed to do that little interview because she wanted to encourage people to keep going out in front, even though she had hated it when people went in front of her abortion clinic.”

Barros told Christian News Network that Terri’s story is certainly memorable, but it is only one of the many examples of God changing people’s lives through prayer and outreach.

“I get to see 20 to 30 girls a month choose life,” Barros said. “It’s pretty incredible. … God just works it all out; it’s amazing.”

Barros said he has witnessed countless examples of the power of prayer.

“The Lord brings different things down there (OWC) every day,” he remarked. “I never know what’s going to happen.”

In her interview with Barros, Terri encouraged other workers in abortion facilities to abandon their abortion careers.

“I pray for the workers [in abortion facilities] that they can just find the encouragement to leave these kind of places,” she said.

Though the decision to leave the abortion industry was not an easy one, Terri is now relieved that she severed all ties with the facility.

“I dedicate my life to Christ and I thank Him—believe it or not—every day that I am no longer affiliated with a clinic,” she stated. “It’s a wonderful thing that I got out of there. … I thank God every day I’m gone.”


  1. Michael Parker

    Praise God. His grace is sufficient.

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