FORSA highlighting religious freedom threats during national roadshow

Freedom of Religion South Africa is starting a nationwide roadshow next week to update religious leaders and concerned citizens on key issues and recent developments.

“Freedom of religion in South Africa is facing serious challenges and threats in multiple areas. We cannot afford to fold our hands, close our eyes and block our ears – or we will quickly discover that the rights we often take for granted, will be severely eroded,” says FOR SA in a media release.

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The roadshow meetings are free and refreshments will be provided. People wanting to attend are asked to to register by clicking the relevant link on the schedule below.

Johannesburg – Click here to register
Date: Tuesday, October 9
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Venue: Every Nation Rosebank, ‎20A 7th Avenue, Parktown North
Registration: Opens @ 10am

Bloemfontein – Click here to register
Date: Wednesday October 10
Venue:  AGS Siloam, Corner of Blok & Westphall Street, Universitas
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Registration: Opens @ 10am
RSVP: Kindly RSVP by registering no later than 1pm on Friday, October 5.

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Cape Town – Click here to register
Date: Tuesday October 16.
Venue:  Joshua Generation Church, Menlo Crescent, Edgemead
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Registration: Opens @ 10am

Port Elizabeth – Click here to register
Date: Wednesday October 17
Venue: Father’s House, Corner of Darling & Paterson Road, North End
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Registration: Opens @ 10am

Durban – Click here to register
Date: Thursday October 18
Venue: Anthem Church, 37 Mackeurtan Avenue, Durban North
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Registration: Opens @ 10am

Pietermaritzburg – Click here to register
Date: Thursday October 18
Venue: Jacobs Well Ministries, 1 South Road, Bombay Heights, Truro Plaza
Time: 2pm – 3.30pm
Registration: Opens @ 1:30pm
RSVP: Kindly RSVP by registering no later than 1pm on Friday, October 12, 2018.

FORSA summarises some of the challenges that will be highlighted below:

Hate Crimes & Hate Speech Bill
The revised draft of this Bill was published and then withdrawn due to a change of chairman in the Justice Portfolio Committee. We will be updating on developments and the possible implications on the religious community if this Bill is passed in its current form.

Parental rights under threat
There are a number of issues where parental rights are being infringed upon. Regardless of your views on any particular issue, we should all agree that State intervention, in areas where parents have historically chosen how to raise their own children, is very concerning.

  • Children’s Third Amendment Draft Bill
  • “Spanking case” – FOR SA’s appeal to be heard by the Constitutional Court
  • Western Cape Commissioner for Children Bill
  • Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programmes in SA schools
  • Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill

Regulation of religion
Following a meeting between FOR SA and the CRL Rights Commission, it is evident that they have every intention of continuing to press forward with their plans to regulate religion. We will provide an update and perspective on this important matter.

LGBT rights vs freedom of religion
We are seeing the LGBT agenda being pushed forward on several fronts:

  • Civil Union Amendment Bill
  • High Court case – Gaum vs Dutch Reformed Church
  • Adoption of “Inclusivity Policy for Sexual Orientation” at UCT
  • Wedding venues continue to be targeted by LGBT activists

Open floor – Q&A
You will have the opportunity to ask questions to the FOR SA team and to make contributions in a moderated environment.

One Comment

  1. Pity you dont have a roadshow in Pretoria. If PMB can have one so near Durban, why not also Pretoria near JHB?

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