Free State dedicated to Jesus Christ

The opening of the dedication of the Free State to prayer in Bloemfontein on Saturday, October 13 in a historic NG building in the city.
 New beginning in historic building

The Body of Christ in the Free State gathered in Bloemfontein on Saturday (October 13) to dedicate the province to God, with representatives of different denominations, cultures and political parties, humbly committing the region to the Lord’s governance and leadership.

The dedication held at the Motho Thomo Community Centre (old NG Synod building) saw influential believers from churches, government and the marketplace express their total dependence on God. Declarations were made to not serve other gods or  idolize other ideals.

One of the organisers, Arno van Niekerk, stressed in an email beforehand that the focus of the day was to be the Lord Jesus Christ and to bring glory to Him. “We know He will achieve His purposes as this is an event inspired by the Holy Spirit, not just a nice idea by people,” Van Niekerk wrote.

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National campaign
The dedication of the Free State to God is part of a national campaign supported by Christians in all nine provinces and culminating with the dedication of South Africa to the Lord Jesus Christ at a gathering at the Union Buildings, Pretoria, on Sunday, December 2. The national prayer initiative was provoked by the African National Congress’s dedication of South Africa to ancestors at its centenary celebrations in January.

During the Dedication of the Free State prayers of repentance were made by different cultural groups for a variety of offences South Africa as a nation has been guilty of in the past. These heartfelt prayers apologised for racism, shedding the blood of innocent people, sexual sins, corruption and unethical government issues as well as offences formerly endorsed by the church.

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Prayers of repentance by various white, black, Indian and coloured people – leaders in different aspects of life – were made for racial offences. Members from government repented on behalf of the ANC’s mistakes.

Bonds broken
Demonic covenants were also renounced. Among others bonds ancestral worship, rituals of circumcision, freemasonry, Satanism and traditional witchcraft were rebuked and broken. This led into a New Covenant of establishing the seven spheres of society and devoting the province to the Lord in this way. The seven spheres of government, business, media and entertainment, arts and sports, education, church and family, were each dedicated by a full-time representative.

Then intercession was made for men, women and youth in the Free State and there were prayers for revival, prophecy and unity leading to the ‘marriage of the land’ (dedication of the soil and agriculture to the Lord).

Hennie Muller, Free State representative for Unashamedly Ethical, shared the following testimony with Gateway News on Monday. Muller was also the representative for the business sphere on Saturday.

“At 8am we had a men’s gathering at a NG church in town,” Muller said.

‘New thing’ that Lord is doing in SA
“We shared and witnessed of the new thing that the Lord is doing in South Africa and where people should start to be part of God’s move in this city and the nation, Africa and the World. The main topic was on the platform and movement of Unashamedly Ethical.The response was so positive and you could nearly smell the expectations and hunger for new things from God. These old timers with God, bound in tradition, are starting to get a breakthrough in their relationship with God, like never before. Needless to say, the NG ‘Dominee’, invited us back to talk to his congregation more and to talk to the women as well. Some businessmen should be joining us at our next ICCC gathering.

“Then at 12 we gathered as a Body of Christ including different politicians (from ANC, ACDP, DA, Cope etc.), various church leaders and leaders representing all seven mountains of society in a historic building in town,” Muller added.

Historic venue
“The very first NG Synod building is where many critical decisions were made that determined the history of our country. A group of about 150 to 200 people from many towns, even from Pretoria, gathered for this historic event, to dedicate the Free State province to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour and to God, and the Holy Spirit.

“It was such a moving experience and you could feel God’s presence. The programme was planned for two hours, but the Spirit kept us going for nearly four hours… nonstop!

“We even collected finances for two Christian churches in Israel. Tears were flowing, repentance was spoken, feet were washed and spiritual blessings were asked. If that is how South Africa can turn out to be, what a dream to come true.”

  • Seven of South Africa’s nine provinces have already been dedicated to the Lord. The next province to be dedicated will be the Western Cape, on Saturday, November 10, during a gathering on the Grand Parade in the Cape Town city centre from 14h00 to 18h00. The Gauteng dedication will be combined with the grand finale national dedication nd will take place at the Union Buildings, Pretoria from 13h00 to 17hoo.


  1. We who are called by His name will never give up Cape Town to Satan’s Army – We are going to take back what the devil has stolen from us and therefore Cape Town belongs to God and Ourselves.

  2. Wonderful to see Citizens of the Kingdom Pulling together to activate the Power of God in such an Awesome Manner!

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