Freedom Exhibition in Pretoria will highlight human trafficking

The Freedom Exhibition,

Celebration by Anton Gericke, one of the works on display at the Freedom Exhibition.
Celebration by Anton Gericke, one of the works on display at the Freedom Exhibition.

The Freedom Exhibition, an art exhibition that raises awareness about human trafficking, will run at Freedom Park, in Salvokop, Pretoria from Saturday October 5 to October 10, during Human Trafficking Awareness Week.

The exhibition will feature morning and afternoon workshops, a grand opening gala event on Sunday, October 6, and a number of talks and other activities. Some of the exhibition artists will attened the opening.

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A “Purple Awareness” morning will be held as a pre – event to the grand opening, say the organisers in a media release. This event joins hands across the nation with similar organisations in promoting action against the modern slavery of human trafficking.

The week will culminate in a private function which will see the queens of the African continent gather to learn more about Human Trafficking and its effect on Africa, says the media release.

Visitors are welcome to peruse and take in the artworks every day from October 5 to 10 between 9am and 4pm.

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All proceeds generated will be donated to Traffickproof, a project of OM’s Freedom Climb ( Traffickproof is a South African training tool created to educate, empower, aid victims and report trafficking nationally. A number of Traffickproof workshops will be presented at the Freedom Park exhibition.

More information about the exhibition programme is available on the the website:

During August the Freedom Exhibition travelled to Cape Town in collaboration with the Stellenbosch-based organisation, STOP, which played an integral role in the passing of the Trafficking in Persons Bill this year.The opening night was utilised to thank parliamentarian members for their support and proactive work in passing the bill, as well as to honour community members for their support.

One Comment

  1. This is I think the number one not looked after topic in the world. God says that one soul is more important then the whole universe. THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, instead we waist our love on things of the world…

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