From Azusa Street to Empowered21 Global Conference in Jerusalem in 2015


Invitation to attend Empowered21 Global Congress and tour the Holy Land

In April 2006 more than 50 000 people from 106 nations converged in Los Angeles to celebrate the hundred year anniversary of the revival in Azusa Street where three services a day were conducted seven days a week for more than three years and thousands of seekers were baptised in the Holy Spirit.

The Azusa Street revival which was also remarkable for its multi-racial and multi-cultural character, for the first time brought world-wide attention to the young Pentecostal movement and influenced the unprecedented, rapid growth of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity throughout the 20th Century. Today the Spirit-filled movement numbers more than 600 million people around the world.

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From 2008 Empowered21, an initiative of the new board of the Oral Roberts University, began to build on the momentum of the hisoric Azusa Street Centennial, uniting the different streams of Spirit-filled Christianity and focusing on the growth of the movement in the 21st Century. The Empowered21 network has identified five key trends where the Spirit-empowered church is most likely to grow and to positively influence the world. They are:

1) experience a fresh, historic outpouring of the Holy Spirit
2) increase in leadership development within Spirit-empowered churches
3) be increasingly known for meeting human needs in the community
4) see an increase in the practice of divine healing
5) be more open for newer expressions of Spirit-empowered ministry

The vision of Empowered21 is that every person on earth would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by Pentecost 2033.

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South African Christians are invited to join an 11-day Holy Land experience in May 2015 (during Pentecost) that includes attending the Empowered21 Global Conference in Jerusalem, the city where the church was birthed through the Pentecost outpouring of the Holy Spirit two thousand years ago, and a tour of Jerusalem and Galilee. It will be an unforgettable opportunity to be “empowered from on high” under the ministry of international revival leaders and to experience the land of the Bible.

View the video clip below for a preview of the Empowered21 Global Congress in Jerusalem.

Please click on this link for detailed tour information and to book now for the special 11-day Holy Land Experience package for South Africans (including early bird congress registration) leaving Johannesburg on Monday, May 18 and getting back on Thursday, May 28. When completing your Registration Form please write YES in the space opposite GATEWAY NEWS REGISTRATION. We are the Media Partner of this great revival adventure and members of the Gateway News team will share the experience with you. Pilgrimage Tours who have been leading tours to Israel since 1970 will put their expertise and passion behind all the travel arrangements.

Leaders and Pastors from churches and church organisations who would like to become part of the Empowered21 movement are invited to contact Empowered 21 Tour Coordinator, Henda Marais, at 076 953 8343 or

 You can read more about the Jerusalem 2015 Empowered 21 Global Congress on this website.


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