Fruitful time ahead!

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry.[/notice]

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It is the end of the year again and many of us will be reflecting upon what has happened in 2013. Last year, around this time I sat and listened to my pastor as he preached out of Galatians  6:7 and reminded us all solemnly that we should not, “be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows”.

Not long after that message, another pastor at our church shared from Luke 13 and prayed that 2013 would be a year where we would do what we needed to do in order to see fruit borne on our lives. The parable in Luke 13 is about a man who had a fig tree that had not borne fruit for three years.  When the master called for the tree to be cut down, as it was bearing no fruit, the man asked for one more year to dig around it and fertilise it. “If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down”.

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I was reminded of all these messages when our senior pastor asked me to assist with the monthly church bulletin. I discussed these things with my pastor and asked what he felt the word of The Lord was in this season. He replied from Isaiah 3:10. “Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds”. I want to extend this good news to you dear reader as the year draws to a close. It will be well with you. It is raining where I am right now in Botswana, a dry and thirsty land. I am looking forward to green landscapes after the rain and good fruit growing from the trees in due time. May our lives be enriched with abundant, green, good fruit going forward. Amen.

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One Comment

  1. Rev Ian Karshagen

    Thank you Sifiso. Very encouraging!

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