Gabriel and Shannon Ntshikose — My Ribs, Your Organs: Book Review

Book Review by Val Viljoen

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In this book, newly-weds Gabriel and Shannon Ntshikose tell a rather beautiful story. It is a love story — their love story of how God drew them together.

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It is also a story of God’s faithfulness towards two people who each surrendered their search for a life partner to Him.

The book has three parts. The first is a series of seven letters written by Gabriel to his future wife. These letters reveal an intimacy with and love and yearning for a woman he was yet to meet.

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These letters show us Gabriel’s heart for God as well as what was revealed to him regarding the nature of a true godly bond between a man and a woman.

In the second part of the book, Gabriel tells of his journey through years of sexual purity towards the recognition of Shannon as being the wife that God had given him.

After meeting, they developed a deep emotional and spiritual bond, but for some time thought only of each other as a good friend, even though Shannon “ticked the boxes” of the future wife God had revealed to him.

By the time of mutual recognition, Shannon had had a long season of singleness, and she tells her perspective of the story in Section 3.

She also wrote letters to her future husband and although the years were an exciting time of travel and study there was also questioning and loneliness.

Both Shannon and Gabriel tell of the “Ishmaels” that they came across in their search for “the one”.

But God was faithful as He ultimately led them to true fulfillment of what He had promised.

Those currently single should be greatly inspired and encoaraged by this book, while those already married will find much wisdom relating to doing marriage God’s way.

And every reader will experience the greatest love story of all — that of a God who desires an intimate relationship which each one of us.

My Ribs, Your Organs retails for R160 and can be purchased by sending the couple an e-mail at

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