Generation Impact Bible College Gap Year — Full academic bursaries for 2015


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Many young people do not know what their GOD GIVEN PURPOSE is, the reason they were born. This results in many decisions being made regarding their futures where finances are spent studying in a direction that brings no fulfilment.

GIBC’s Gap Year is designed to assist with the following:

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  • Help students discover their natural as well as their spiritual gifting’s. Through various courses we uncover the natural and spiritual gifting’s each student has. God always equips us with the gifting’s needed to fulfil our assignment. Discovering your purpose helps you understand your God Given Purpose and gifting’s. (1 Pet 4:10)
  • To lay a Solid Biblical foundation in the student’s life. 

Upon completion of this year, students follow one of two paths:

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  1. Called into secular – The student would understand their purpose. They will know what God is calling them to do and as well as know which area they would be best suited to further their studies in. The student would also have completed their 1st year toward a Bachelor of Ministry degree should they decide to complete their degree. 
  1. Full Time Ministry – The student would have discovered in the area of ministry God has called them to. Students completing 3rd year receive a Bachelor of Ministry Degree.

gibs 1Our GAP YEAR is best suited for:

  1. Students who want to study further, but do not have the finances to waste studying in the wrong direction. I know most will think they do not want to attend a Bible College as their preferred Tertiary institution of choice, but our 1st year is a course designed to specifically help you find what you were created for.
  2. Students who are called into Full Time ministry.
  3. Students who would like to get a solid Biblical foundation in their life, even though they might not want to go into Full Time ministry.

gibc 2This course has been offered with great outcomes since 2003. The outcome of various specialised courses, result in our 1st year beING suited for Secular and Ministry training. 


frostsGIBC is offering Full Academic Bursaries for 2015 for the Port Elizabeth Campus. Study Material is free. To qualify for the bursary, email to for an Information Package. Alternatively contact Dr Arthur Frost on 082 659 2224.

This offer is valid for the Port Elizabeth campus. Classes start the Monday 2 February 2015. Teaching medium is English. 

Since 1992, Dr Frost has planted various Bible Colleges across South Africa including Lewende Woord Bible College, Pretoria and our own Bible College – Generation Impact Bible College for which we have written our own Charismatic Curriculum.

One Comment

  1. Pst.Patience Futshane

    My son has a Prophetic gift which he does not understand and I spoke with him to take a gap year to a school like yours and he agreed.Is it late if he can come in July ñ

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