‘Genoeg is genoeg’ rapper working on debut CD

jmrapA young Port Elizabeth musician whose rap song  ‘Genoeg is Genoeg’ was a rallying cry in a 2011 campaign against drug abuse and gangsterism in the suburb of Helenvale is working on his first rap album.

Earlier this year Jean-Mikyle Roos a Gr12 scholar at Andrew Rabbie High School received a word from God to produce an album aimed at young people dealing with their daily struggles.

Writing lyrics is a natural talent of Jean-Mikyle. Being a part of the media team at Victory Ministries International has contributed immensely to this gift.

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Without any training or mentoring, Jean-Mikyle for the first time recently starting composing beats, which he claims is God inspired.

“God has been with me every phase of this album, the Lord has provided me with lyrics, beats and titles for each of the tracks” he said.

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To date 9 songs are completed, however he later said, “I am in no rush, when God says the time is right the album will be released”.

Jean-Mikyle’s “Genoeg is Genoeg” (Enough is Enough) rap struck a chord with young people in Helenvale in 2011 as the SA Police Service, together with VMI and other community stakeholders ran a week long talent show and school outreaches encouraging young people of the Northern Areas to rise above drug and alcohol abuse and crime.

Jean-Mikyle’s message is simple, “the joy of the Lord is my strength – Nehemiah 8vs10”. He encourages young people to dream big, to honor God in all that they do and to be the change they want to see in their communities.

On fire for God, this young man is waiting on God to direct his next steps.


  1. Ashley Munnick

    I think this young man’s got a head on his shoulders to speak like that.I would like to encourage him to continue listening nd hearing God for his destiny.

  2. Errol Heynes

    This is the kind of young hero, our community needs. young people our youth must emulate to bring about change.

  3. That’s my nephew.I know God willl take u from strngth to strength!!whoop whoop!!!

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