‘Get ready South Africa for what is about to happen’ — prophetic encouragement for the nation

Linda Gobodo of Vuka Africa has been filing significant prophetic words about South Africa for some years. In this article she shares extracts from such words that have been released since 2008 until the present — and calls on the Church — all believers — to take heart and proclaim what God says He will do in SA

In this season the Lord is calling the Church in South Africa to arise and to declare and herald all the words of prophecy that have been released over the nation in recent years.

The Lord is ready to perform His word. He is looking for those who will believe and stand on the side of the Lord.

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The Lord has chosen the Church to lead in this season. He has given her the grace to govern.

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For too long the baby has been in the birth canal, it is time for the Church to bring forth.

It is time to birth the move of the Spirit in SA, there has never been a better time than this.

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As evil abounds grace is abounding and God is raising the standard.

The Church must not be quiet when she hears what the enemy is planning to do, she must rise and refute the plan of the enemy and proclaim what the Lord has said He will do in SA.

Below is a list of summarised versions of some of the prophecies to herald, to declare, to proclaim, to utter over the nation of SA in this season. (If you need the full prophecies please write to: info@vukaafricafoundation.co.za),

Make the word of the Lord known, share it with your family, friends and colleagues, speak it and post it on every platform.

Speak the word of the Lord with boldness knowing that the God who declared these things is well able to perform His word and that there will be fulfilment of those things which were spoken from the Lord. (Psalm 89:34; Isaiah 46:8-11; 48:3-6,20; 55:10,11; Jeremiah 1:12; Luke 1:45)

Prophetic words
Declare and say:

The Lord has been visiting nations but now He has visited SA.

He has sent angels to help the Church in SA in this fierce war of His presence. The angels arrived, they are here to work with the Church.

The land of SA is secure, do not fear what you hear or what you see.

The river of healing, which is the move of the Holy Spirit to birth the revival has begun to flow in this nation bringing healing wherever it goes. South Africans are called to bring healing to the nations, “That is My healing and miracle power that will flow from South Africa to the rest of the world. It will start there. I have a plan and no one will stop Me.”

The fires of revival will soon breakout, the fire will spread to every province and from SA it will spread to the whole continent up to north of Africa and to the nations of the world.

A prayer movement is rising in this nation to birth a revival of prayer which will usher one of the greatest moves the world has ever seen. A prophetic word is going forth; an instruction is given to the people so they will undergird it in prayer. The word spoken in prophecy is going to be birthed in prayer and carried into a place of fulfilment.

The revival will be birthed and sustained through prayer and worship. Songs of healing and restoration will be released in every province; “The glory of Lord will arise over you South Africa and will be seen upon you because you are My glory bowl and your people are My glory vessels.”

South Africans will go out to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the whole world. When they go Africa will be saved and Africa will evangelise the world, and this initiative will start from South Africa.

God is going to break corruption and root it out. He is going to send the power of His Spirit to crush those who do illegal things under legal pretences. Those who say it is legal to do evil will have no power to do that anymore.

God is going to dismantle the works of the enemy. The church has a major role to play in all this. The Church will lead the process of change in the nation.

There will be no political party against this move of the Spirit of God. It will suddenly arise beyond political decisions. It is a non-partisan, Spirit-led Movement.

South Africans of every colour will join forces, and a people movement will arise which will keep the enemy out and push evil out. The movement of the people is growing in momentum and spirit. This movement is led by the Spirit. God is releasing a template and a model pattern of running the nation to fulfil her divine destiny showing the way to the rest of Africa and the world.

There will be a change of government in this nation, for God will raise a godly man that will institute godliness in the laws of this country, godliness in prisons, and godliness in our hospitals. The Spirit of the Lord will breathe upon the people that have been oppressed, says the Lord.

More people who serve and know the Lord will enter parliament. Healed, delivered and set free. The Church holds the major key in doing what needs to be done beginning now until the elections in 2019. In the Church, people’s minds are going to change, they will want to see the nation being blessed.

God is restoring hope in you South Africa so that you no longer need to fear anymore. The Spirit of Hope is released and is commanding the spirit of devastation, corruption and destruction to leave in Jesus name. Hope will rise in Africa and Africa will turn. The wind of the Spirit is coming, Africa is going to change and will become a clear model.

South Africa will be a new nation and new things are about to happen. It’s time to arise. This is not the time to run out of South Africa. Do not let your heart be troubled, don’t flee; God is bringing knowledge back to this country.

South Africa will rise again! The economy will turn around, become stronger, the wealth of the nation will not be found in the pockets of the wicked, but rather it will be shared so all communities will rise. God will stabilise the South African currency; it will not go into free fall. God is the God of currencies, He holds the destinies of nations in His hands.

In the next three years — 2017-2019 God is going to dismantle the power of the enemy and begin to usher in the Kingdom of God — Daniel 2:44-45. 2017 is the year of the coming of God’s government into South Africa.

Get Ready South Africa for what is about to happen, says the Lord. Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

The above are extracts taken from the prophecies which were released by the following Prophets and Apostles:
Kim Clement in 2008, Pastor Amaka Abe in 2011, Chuck Pierce and Apostle Kure in 2015 and 2016, Dr Jonathan David in 2016 and 2017


  1. Jesus is coming again,so the world is about to get even worse as never was a nation before.

  2. Please send me the prophecies

  3. Thank you for putting this info out , be blessed, Holy Spirit is in and about our nation looking for people He can use and bless , so they in turn can be a blessing and an outpouring of Him into our nation of SA and into upper Africa

  4. Our Lord will deliver


  6. Amen and Amen. Let the Lord arise.

  7. Thank You JESUS. Holy is your name.

  8. “The Lord has been visiting nations but now He has visited SA.” As per the ‘prophet’ above
    My goodness, does this mean that He only visits certain places sometimes??? What a load of codswallop. ALMIGHTY GOD IS EVERYWHERE AT ALL TIMES. He does not sit in Heaven and GRACE us with His presence on occasion. Terry Throp.

  9. God let your will be done.in Jesus name, Amen

  10. Last week I heard the same words
    while praying for South Africa: “I am dismantling the principalities.” The next day Robert Mugabe was put under house arrest. I think Zimbabwe is closely linked to SA because of the close relationship we have with Zimbabweans. Many of us work together.

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