‘God gives SA second chance to turn from wicked ways’

Members of the SA Prayer Movement for Change pray with the Rharahbe king, Jonguxolo Sandile (back, third from left), at his official residence near King William’s Town on December 12. Laurette Mkati, the author of this article, is at the front, left.

Laurette Mkati of the SA Prayer Movement for Change reports that God has opened a strategic royal door in the Eastern Cape that is a key to South Africa — and Africa — returning to the Lord and fulfilling its calling to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth


In March 2000 at the Africa House of Prayer Conference in Johannesburg, a prophetic word was given for South Africa from Isaiah 1:19-20:

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken”. This word included both a promise and a warning. 

Over the past 23 years, as a nation we have turned further and further away from God, taking the Bible and prayer out of our education system and all government institutions, changing laws that once reflected biblical values to those directly opposed to God’s Word. We now have a generation growing up without the knowledge of God and His Word. At the same time, there has been a strong call, in the name of culture, to return to the idolatry of ancestral worship and witchcraft, resulting in many young people being initiated, while still at school, as sangomas.

The word of the Lord has come true. In consequence of our rebellion, as a nation, we are being “devoured by the sword”. In 2022 there were more than 25 000 murders. These are statistics you expect to hear from a country at war. 

We are being “devoured by the sword”

Over these years there has also been much prayer in and for the nation especially based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. However, the one requirement we have not met to receive the promise of forgiveness and healing of our land is: “Turn from your wicked ways.” 

In January this year during a time of fasting and prayer, the Lord spoke and said that He was giving us a second chance to respond to this word. 

There was a call also in the conference in 2000 for runners who would run through this continent of Africa calling the nations to return to the Lord (2 Chronicles 30:6). South Africa has a call to be the forerunner of this message, but our feet are shackled by our stubbornness and rebellion.  

In response to this, we began from the beginning of the year to run through the land and call for the people to “return to the Lord”. As we proceeded the Holy Spirit began to emphasise the specific call of the Eastern Cape within the context of revival in South Africa. The “Return to the Lord” must begin there. As a further witness to this is the instruction given to Nicholas Bhengu [influential SA evangelist and church leader — 1909-1985] concerning the vision God gave him for “Africa Back to God” that had to be launched from East London in the Eastern Cape.

Throughout the year, we travelled to many towns to bring this message. Sadly, we have not seen any major move within either the Eastern Cape or South Africa of turning from our wicked ways, or returning to the Lord, and the murder rate this year is even higher than last year being 27 000 (82 murders per day) — the sword is still devouring. 

South Africa, Eastern Cape — Return to the Lord

However, as we continued to seek the Lord, especially concerning the Eastern Cape, and worked towards the redemption of the Xhosa nation, we were reminded how the Lord first brought the Gospel to the Xhosa people. He chose to call a man, Ntsikana, from AmaRharahbe, to whom He gave clear instructions as to how the nation would enter prosperity, what they must leave and what they must embrace – God’s Word, which should be studied diligently. As a result of his obedience the Gospel spread throughout the Xhosa nation.


Now once again, the Lord has pointed His finger towards this nation and its king, Jonguxolo Sandile. On December 12, God opened the door for us to meet with him and share the prophetic destiny of the Xhosa nation, and specifically the Rharhabe kingdom. His heart was open to what God was saying and prayers have begun, seeking to assist him and his kingdom to align with God’s will. 

There is an understanding through prophecy that this is Africa’s time to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth before the return of Christ, but Africa is waiting on South Africa, and South Africa is waiting on the Eastern Cape. We are convinced that the Lord who has begun this work of restoration in 2023 will carry it out to completion. By God’s grace, the Church will arise in 2024 and fulfil Jesus’s command to go and make disciples, not just of individuals but of all nations, beginning with AmaRharhabe and the Xhosa nation.

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  1. It’s time for Africa…!
    All the glory to God.

  2. Great and truthful article. Cultural and anti colonial and racial sentiments are used to lure the nation into idolatry and ancestral worship. This is nonsensical and Satanic manipulation. There is no race no culture in spirituality. If ancestral worship were the answer many African countries that have long attained their liberation would have seen a drastic advance in their economic development

    Yet what we see is stealing, killing and destruction on steroids. Hardly surprising because when leaders of a country make covenants with the devil to remain in power, Satan takes with the other hand the future of that country. Jesus is the only answer and this has got nothing to do with race, culture or politics.

    This country needs Jesus and as soon as Yesterday.