God is alive and awakening His bride — Lindy-Ann Hopley


A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international revivalist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.

Daily God seems to get bigger and better! At least in my mind! Oh what a wonderful King we serve! It is my honour to share what He has done since I last wrote. God is alive!

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Last time we “spoke” it was about just a few things I saw God doing whilst in India and Dubai on Tour.

And that is where I will take off…

February 5 at 6am my flight arrived from Dubai at OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg, South Africa. I was picked up by a dear friend Nadia and off we went to Alberton where I was scheduled to do the kids church at 9am and then a healing meeting at 7pm that evening! Glory!

God never gets tired. When they asked Jesus in Matthew about resting and the Sabbath he said that His dad never rests and neither does He. There are many scriptures in the Bible about the value of rest, but Matthew was the scripture for me that day!

And how wonderful a day it was! I do not think I have experienced God like this before — it was incredible.

I have never seen an outpouring on children as I did this day. The room was thick with anticipation and hunger. The kids were anywhere from about 7 (some looked more like 4 to me) and 14. Then there were the Kid’s Church Leaders — they had prayed and prayed for this event.

Words cannot really describe what happened, but I will try my best.

The funny thing is I messaged my friend who is a guru at Kid’s Ministry to ask for advice but she did not get back to me in time.

Jesus is the best teacher. I was myself but more animated as I shared my testimony with the kids. When I asked who wanted to accept Jesus — all the hands went up — including the older teenagers. Some stood weeping. This was not just an intellectual meeting, but an encounter with their living God!

Then I explained to them that when Jesus left He sent us a gift — the Holy Spirit and He wants us to be completely immersed in Him. Like a rusk that goes in the coffee, but he talks of baptizing us in Spirit and fire. I explained that the word baptism actually means “immerse” and so also he wants to dunk us all the way! So the kids put out their hands in front of them as if to receive a gift and pray “God baptise me with your Holy Spirit”. And that was exactly what He did.

Honestly I have never ever seen an outpouring like this before with children. I have only heard stories from revivals. Small children not even fully able to grasp what is going on in their minds — starting to weep from their bellies so much so that they started shaking. Like it says in the book of Acts — all was filled with the Holy Spirit. So it was this day. Every child was touched by the Father’s love and lay weeping as the Spirit overwhelmed them.

Afterwards I asked children what they experienced. Many said the love of God. Some saw angels. Some saw Jesus walking in the room. A few children were taken to heaven by God. One of the older boys testified that evening how he saw his dad in heaven working on a car in a garage. He started to weep so much that he could not continue his story. His mother came up out of the crowd to help. She told how the boy’s dad had died two years ago and he used to work on cars in garages. It was such a beautiful moment.

There is no junior Holy Spirit.

Lindy-Ann Healing poster

We had some great ribs at Spur for lunch, a rest and off to church for the Healing Service.

The evening was phenomenal! Jehovah Rafa came in full splendour. Keep an eye on my YouTube Channel for the full video — coming soon.

The evening started with me asking if anyone had back pain. About 40 people put their hands up. When I asked who at the church had not yet seen a miracle before – the majority of the hands went up. I asked them to come forward. They were now my prayer team! I took one man on stage who knew that his one leg was longer than the other. 3 centimetres. He had terrible back problems. I had a young man pray for him. He just laid his hand on the shorter leg as I instructed him and the leg started to grow without anyone saying anything! The young man burst into tears as he witnessed the legs coming to equal length.

“DAD!” What a beautiful moment. I had no idea it was his son. His back pain was gone. Healed.

“Ok church you saw how we did it — go for it!”

People were cheering, crying, touching their toes, praising God, clapping and so on. One by one people came onto the platform and we heard the testimonies of healing. One man even had his neck brace in his hand — healed! People were showing us how they can do things now they could not do before — moving and jumping and more! It was glorious.

That was just the beginning! Deaf ears were opening, arthritis healed, you name it — it was healed!

Then came Herbert. Herbert fell on his head 12 years ago and was paralysed, wheelchair bound and brain damage. When I asked him something — I could not make out a single word — his sister had to tell me what he was trying to say. I started to pray. Watch what happened! It is a bit long, but you want to watch it all!

Watch the video clip below:

There was also a man with a walker. He had not been able to walk without it for 3 years! I prayed, grabbed the walker and off he went! His wife came forward in tears. God touched him.

A lady came forward with a three and a half cm sized tumour in her breast. Cancer. We prayed. It shrank. About 1cm she said. We prayed some more. Gone!!! There was not a dry eye in the house! How big is our God! Please pray with us for her full recovery, as she is still contending for a complete cancer free body.

Every person I know of that was there in need of healing received breakthrough. Miracles are a love language of God! The amazing thing about a miracle is that it does not only affect the person being healed, but also their families, their work colleagues and so on!

Not a single person who was there that night will ever be the same again.

I know I won’t be.

I had the privilege of attending and serving as an usher at the Kingdom Come Conference with Bill Johnson also in JHB. I love how God is using them. A big thing for our country I believe.

Sunday I was back at my home church to preach. Journey of Grace

I shared a bit about India and Dubai, but burst out into tears when I spoke of the man who got out of the wheelchair and that no matter what our previous perceptions have been of God — He truly is good and that He is calling us back to our first love. Oh the air was filled with the One who created it! People were touched and many repented and turned to God. Salvations, healing, and deliverance. A powerful time.

Four days later I was off to Europe

Lindy-Ann Europe pst poster

First stop was a conference in Germany where I was invited to be the speaker of “How to receive your miracle”. It was at a Baptist church. The pastor had heard about the weight loss miracle that happened when I was at another church the year before and for some reason he decided to invite me to his church which has not been exposed to miracles at all really. And oh how fun it was!

I called out problems with ears and this dad signalled to his little girl sitting on his lap. I prayed one prayer over all who were in need of a breakthrough. Because they did not stand up with the rest of the people — I forgot about them. But as I continued to talk I noticed a commotion at the back of the room. The dad was saying something to his neighbour whilst the little girl had her hands on her ears with a very upset face. The sound was too loud for her. God healed her ears!

From there I went to a town called Langenegg in West of Austria to preach at CIA in the morning and at Lakelights back in Germany in the evening. From there I went back to Austria where I relaxed for a week at Haus Immanuel with my good friends Gabi and Werner. They organised for me to go snow skiing — you can watch this video on my YouTube channel — fun! I ate a lot, slept a lot and made little video clips on a new app I discovered. Great.

And so I travelled around watching God do His thing. I visited the Augsburg Prayer House — 24/7 prayer takes place here. Hallelujah! I was asked to pray over the pornography scene in Europe — something huge happened in my heart in that moment. I could feel the power and anointing whilst praying over the mic. Afterwards I dropped to the floor weeping. Such a thankfulness came over me of my salvation, as I remembered my dream as a little girl — to be a porn star when I grow up. Someone that was adored. And look at what the Lord has done. Great things. For those who do not know my story — I promise you now — if God can use me — He can use you! He is just looking for someone to say “Yes!”

From there I preached at a friend’s Housegroup where I got to meet one of the founders of Global Outreach Day.

And then the next night in Lorsch — where the pianist fell off his chair once again under the weighty glory of God.

Then at a house church the next night — it was powerful! My lovely host took me to the hot baths the next day — thank you Jesus!

The next night, my last night in Europe, I had the awesome privilege to meet legendary man of God Andreas Hermann. Mr Hermann has a large flourishing church in Germany and once a month holds a healing service where many miracles take place. A large amount of people who come there are New Age and get saved — come on! Before I knew it I was sitting in his office until midnight talking about the King and healing ministry.

Lindy-Ann and Adreas

Next day — Home.

My feet hit the ground running with Theresa Dedmon and her team that came to SA. Was fun to chauffeur one of my spiritual mommas during my time at Bethel around here in Cape Town.

I was interviewed by her at a beautiful home in Stellenbosch. Watch it here!

I randomly got this message on facebook “Ek’s Hanneke ek will you brag ontmoet…” which led to me speaking at Oudtshoorn of all places! Friday through Sunday morning. I cannot tell you how much joy it brings me when people experience God tangibly for the first time. I had grey haired people messaging me afterwards on Facebook telling me they have never in their life experienced God until that day! One lady messaged me that she had asked God for her the gift of tongues for a very long time and she finally got it when I prayed for her. It was amazing! Miracles was the norm of the services.

Lindy-Ann Oudtshoorn poster

One testimony from Friday night

Sunday morning

I then jumped in my car and off I went back to Cape Town where I was speaking that night! And how faithful God is. He is always excited to love on His children.

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One of the testimonies from the evening.

Please keep me in prayer as I minister at different events this coming month. Two women’s meetings this week. Very exciting is the Manenberg Crusade April 5 to 6 — why not join us? I will be speaking on the Thursday evening. We are trusting for a massive harvest to come in!!!

Then I will be speaking in Oudtshoorn at a tent meeting “Paaskonferensie”, I am also involved in the Bloemfontein “It’s Time” event April 22. And more!

Remember to sign up for my newsletter at the top for upcoming events and also follow me on Facebook for Live updates!

Lindy-Ann USA posterIs it not simply amazing what God can do through one person?! What if you simply believed what God has said about you and that Christ in you is the hope of glory and that all — yes that includes you — who believe these signs and wonders will follow them?!

Just today I received a call from Hanneke from Oudtshoorn testifying how she received boldness after I had prayed for her and led someone to Jesus that Sunday night after praying for her!

All things are possible.

Please feel free to follow more God adventures with me on social media and sign up to receive a Beautiful Witness monthly newsletter with all my upcoming events and more.

There is some very exciting things to be released soon — keep checking for updates!

Lindy-Ann franceCome with to the south of France!!! May 24-28. Apply today! Check out “Love Lourdes 2017” on my website and sign up to join me and people from all over the South of France to pray for the pilgrims that come there for healing!

I hope you were blessed and that the fire of His love gets you! Wake up oh sleeper it is time!!!

Lindy-Ann Europe tour poster

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