God is giving new clothes to his kids around the world — Lindy-Ann Hopley


A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international revivalist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.

Welcome to this month’s article of Global Awakening!

I am so glad you found us here and that we get to rejoice together in what God is doing around the world! A global awakening!

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You and I get to be a part of it!

This month was yet again packed with God’s goodness!

Some events Beautiful Witness Ministries (BWM) was a part of this past month and that I am excited to get to share with you are:

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  • The Red Light Love Tour
  • Mighty Families
  • It’s Time
  • Shoeless no more

Last month (available here if you missed it), I just mentioned finding a white wedding dress on a trash dump in the streets of the Red Light District in Amsterdam. Wow! The prophetic importance of that has grown exponentially as time has gone by … keep reading!

This month I want to kick off there.

God is giving out new garments!

As a full time evangelist with a world-wide mission, I get to see a glimpse into what one might call the “bigger picture”. Simply put: God is a good good Father and He is an expert at His job! I get to see signs and wonders that leave many speechless and astounded, but I am so aware of the fact that it is a smidgen of a glimpse into the vastness of His greatness!

The Red Light Love Tour 2018

See the wedding dress the night we found it!

First update from freezing Amsterdam — God is taking down the harlot bride.

Prostitutes got saved healed and delivered again in the brothels!!!!

God showed up powerfully on Sunday when preaching at God’s Embassy — can find a link to this on my Facebook wall. Make sure to like and follow our page to not miss a single thing that God is doing — it is too amazing!

One of the highlights from this entire trip was when a man named Anton got radically healed. You can watch the testimony below. God is alive! My heart is overjoyed with gratitude and all at God’s goodness. He has done so much more than just heal this man physically physically, He has restored him entirely — body, soul and spirit. More of this testimony online. Watch him share below! You will love it!!!

Anton and I spoke this morning again — at his miraculous healing the doctors have said “Impossible!”. His own cardiologist has also said that this drastic improvement cannot have been achieved medically. But of course we know the God of the impossible! For more updates on this, follow us on social media. Hallelujah!

A summary of the trip:

Glory to God!

If you have a heart for people in human trafficking and you have been moved by what you have seen, be a part of something bigger by sowing into Beautiful Witness Ministries. See below.

Mighty Families

Last year, at the very same place, more than 1 million people gathered to seek God‘s face for our nation, South Africa. This year was my absolute honour and privilege to be invited as a guest speaker at the event Mighty Families.

Click here to view an enlarged image.

God loves family and He wants to heal this nation by healing individuals, but even more importantly families.

On Saturday morning I was spending time with the Lord and He asked me:

“Lindy-Ann, when is your birthday?”

“16th of the 7th month” — I thought to myself.

God had been speaking to me about taking note of times and numbers, for He speaks through everything. He is the God of the universe. I felt led to look up John 16 verse 7: But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send Him to you. That night was my 20 minute slot. I was asked to share my testimony, which I did, but I knew God wanted to pour out His Spirit. Time was possibly going to be a challenge, as another speaker was coming up after me, but God knew and organised the programme in such a way that the band came up after I spoke, giving me enough time to go downstairs to minister to those who would respond.

I made a call for those who wanted to receive the baptism of Spirit and Fire. Many came streaming forward. What a glorious sight! I saw God baptise entire family units. Father and mother standing at the altar with their children — all touched at the same time not being able to stand under the powerful presence of the Almighty. The Holy Spirit is what this nation needs. Jesus says in the book of Acts that we will receive power and boldness when the Holy Spirit comes on us. It is time South Africa. Have you received the Holy Spirit?

There is no time or space in the kingdom — watch the evening below and receive for yourself and your family!

It’s Time

I don’t think anyone quite knew what to expect with It’s Time taking place in Mitchells Plain this year, a place notorious for gangsters, drugs, crime, and alcohol abuse, unfortunately a nest of brokenness. But that is the beauty of God the Father, it reminds me of the parable of the wedding feast, where the guests that were initially invited did not come and the servants were sent out to go fetch strangers in the streets and invite them to the wedding feast that had already been prepared.

Again the theme of new garments was confirmed at this meeting. More than 150 000 people gathered to seek the face of God. The sea of people coming in hoped to see change in our nation, South Africa.

Angus Buchan started to share how God had given him a dream about doing something specific at this meeting. The next thing he did was unexpected — he made an altar call for the gang leaders in the audience to come forward to be saved. To “surrender their gun for the Bible”. I think many thought that no one would come. I know I doubted. This is a huge decision for them to make with big implications. Much time was given in waiting to see if anyone would respond. Suddenly, one by one they started appearing from the crowd. Soon a company of men stood at the altar — broken and hurting leaders of gangs. Then the tears started running as Angus started removing items of clothing to give to these men. First his hat, then his shirt, then his boots and even his Bible. It was a picture of the prodigal son coming home, being received by his father, who was full of unexpected grace and love towards his son.

I do not think there was a dry eye on that large plain. Amazing grace.

Isaiah 61:10 I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I’m like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels.

The Father so loved the world that He gave His Son and is still giving today — He is a giver.

On the way back on the bus, He gave this man his hearing back:

Shoeless no more
Yesterday, as I was on my usual jog with Jesus, I saw an old man in a suit walking ahead of me in the forest. He looked slightly bewildered and was not wearing any shoes.

I asked him if he was ok and why he has no shoes. He had come from far away looking for a job, and his shoes were walked through and he had no money for new ones. But God.

A seemingly random thought came to my mind earlier that day: “Those spare running shoes I have, I should maybe sell them or give them away to someone”. Then I knew — that was no random thought — God knew this man’s prayer. He knows His children. Andrew got an almost new pair of grey men’s shoes. We “happen” to wear the same size.

That is the King we serve.

God has the same for you

The moment the prodigal son turned his heart and feet towards his father‘s house — the father came running arms wide open with a new robe, a new ring and a new pair of shoes, shouting “Let’s celebrate for my son who was dead, now lives!”

I don’t know where you are in your walk with God as you read this message today, but I want to invite you to come back to the Father’s house. God is calling out to His children all around the world, inviting them to the greatest wedding feast — of which we cannot even imagine the magnitude and splendour!

Will you say yes?

Pray this: “God, on this day I choose to leave my old life behind and come home to You! Forgive me of my sin (name them). I know You have a better plan for my life! I believe in Jesus, the Son of God who died for my sin and sickness, born of a virgin, who rose again and is sitting next to the Father in heaven. So that I too overcame death! Through faith in Jesus I am now born again. I am righteous by faith! I am a child of God! I am a new creation! My name is written in the book of Life!”

If you prayed this prayer today — all of heaven is celebrating for you right now! I would love to hear from you and pray with you myself.

Also, if you have a testimony of a touch from God you received through BWM, please email me at Lindy-Ann@beautifulwitness.com

Remember, all creation is waiting — for you! Go for it!

Till next month…

Love & Fire


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One Comment

  1. In those days,I will pour out My Spirit, says the Lord, on My sons and daughters.. Glory to the KING..may He richly bless His faithful servants..Amen

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