God is visionary of Namibia ‘Speak Jesus’ event, says organiser

Angus Buchan, left and Romie van Wyk

When Gateway News asked Romie van Wyk what had inspired him, as the visionary of the Speak Jesus event in Windhoek, Namibia, on Saturday, his response was clear.

The chairman of Mighty Men Namibia, who is hosting the event at Vegkop Stadium, said he is not the visionary — God is!

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He said he was thankful that God was the one making it happen. “As it is in Heaven, let it be on Earth!” he said.

Romie said the event was first birthed in his heart by the Lord when when he and his family were invited to attend the Speak Jesus prayer day in the city of Krugersdorp which at the time had such a reputation for evil that it was nicknamed “Devilsdorp”.

He said he had been feeling that something needed to happen in Namibia around prayer and revival for “such a time as this!” He said Angus Buchan, who led the Speak Jesus event in Krugersdorp, confirmed his impression. Romie explained that at the 2018 Mighty Men Conference in Namibia, held soon after his father died, Angus became his spiritual father and mentor. 

After returning home from the prayer gathering in Krugersdorp — now known as “Jesusdorp” — he said pastors from different churches and denominations spoke about wanting to host a month of prayer as one Body of Christ for Namibia, which they did in October.

In another profound development, the president of Namibia, Hein Geingob announced on January 1 “This is the year of revival for Namibia!” without knowing about their prayer chain’s plans for revival in Namibia. 

Romie said he believes that even the Vegkop Stadium is a testimony of God’s hand in Saturday’s Speak Jesus event. The stadium is strategically positioned in the centre of the city, next to the Namibian Parliament building, the former state house, the old German regime church. and a monument building from the old South African regime.

He said he believes Namibia is key in God’s strategy of alignment to take revival to the rest of Africa.

There is no need tor register for Saturday’s event and all are welcome. It starts at 8am and there will be food and soft drink stalls available. For more information you can call 081 628 0986 or email hebron@iway.na

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