Testimonies: God moves powerfully at 3 Bible-reading marathons

Keyona and Eunice Joemat reading at the start of the Kareedouw Bible-reading marathon

God moved powerfully in the hearts of people who participated in three separate Bible-reading marathons in late October — in Kariega (Uitenhage), Middelburg, Mpumalanga and Kareedouw in the Eastern Cape. [See testimonies later on this page from some of the Bible readers]

At Kariega, which held its sixth consecutive annual Bible-reading marathon, participants who read out aloud in 15 minute shifts took 81 hours and 15 minutes to read through God’s Word from cover to cover.

“We experienced some spiritual resistance in the days leading up to the marathon. There was, however, a great spiritual shift on day two of the marathon,” said the event founder, Illona de Wit.

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She said one person’s reading slots amounted to “at least 11 hours”, and two people stayed in the venue — the hall of Spirit Reign Ministries — for the full duration of the marathon.

“A holy presence could be felt in the hall,” she said.

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Jillian Mtatwane

At Lofdal Gesinskerk in Middelburg, where the organisers were inspired to embark on their second Bible-reading marathon of the year, early planning went well but a week before the start on October 19, “the attacks came”, reports Callie Joubert.

“People cancelled, some went on unplanned leave, some fell ill. Two people were hospitalised.

“By the grace and blessing of God we started at 04h00 on October 19 setting our goal to complete on Sunday evening 22nd of October,” he says.

Some of the participants in the Middelburg Bible-reading marathon. Back, from the left: Cobus Kraft, Rykie Coetzee, Dirk van Zyl, Izak van Breda, Gerhard Nell
Middle, from the left: Elsa van Zyl, Magda Botha, Johan Appelgryn, Zelda Hartman, Ivan Hartman, Rupert Dercksen, Callie Joubert
Front, from the left: Wilma Kraft, Ina van der Merwe, Trudie Appelgryn, Chantal Dercksen

New people booked 20-minute reading slots and some people read for a total of more than six hours. An elderly lady came in to read her slot with the help of a walker/wheelchair. A woman burst into tears as she was touched by the Holy Sprit while reading and some readers testified to experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit in the hall. It took 86 hours and 40 minutes to complete the marathon. There were tears in the room as one of the participants, Louis Hamman shared a testimony about his son who had been in a coma f28 years ago. [see testimony later on page]

The Middelburg marathon team closed the event with a thanksgiving and worship service.

The Kareedouw marathon, which was jointly hosted by the NG Kerk, Kareedouw and the Church at Tzitzikamma was held in the NG Kerk from 8pm on Tuesday October 24 to 11:57am on Saturday October 28 — taking a total of 88 hours.

It was the Kareedouw team’s second annual Bible-reading marathon. The Kareedouw and Middelburg groups both started hosting marathons after accepting a challenge which Illona de Wit put out to churches throughout South Africa to host such events.

Testimonies: Kariega (Uitenhage) — October 25 to 28

Thulisa Ncwadi

I had a great experience this year as I read through the Psalms, it felt like I was eating the Word and being filled, and I felt power being activated in my spirit and all of this is something I had never experienced before. I am so grateful I made the house of the Lord my dwelling place for the duration of the marathon, it was a sanctuary experience which made me hungry for more of God. I thank God for this project and look forward to participating again next year. Thank you so much.
Thulisa Ncwadi

Spiritual uplifting. Thank you

Wat ‘n ongelooflike ervaring om hier in “stilte” die liefde, omgee en nabyheid van God te ervaar en aan te voel. Loof en prys die Heer!. Hy is lewend, groot en by ons!

Adele Kennedy

God knows what we love about Him and His word. I love, love the fire of God!!! I put on my orange dress and said, “God I’m fired up to go!  “The passage I read was about the cloud by day and the fire by night! It was so special!! We serve such an awesome God who speaks our language. (Numbers 8-10)
Belinda Strümpher

What a privilege and an honour to be able to freely and publicly be able to read the living Word of Elohim! Romans 1:16-17 AMP
Gordon Cotter – supervisor and reader

I have experienced a great time in the Word of God. It has opened a door to pursue the Word of God. For me it has been a great experience. 
Maureen Reed

I am part of the Bible-reading marathon for the last 5 years.  Personally, I experienced the anointing, peace and didn’t want to leave and go back to the busy, stressful life. Spiritually I have seen myself grow, meet other believers and making new friends. May the Bible Reading Marathon grow from strength to strength.
Louise Arendt – supervisor and reader

It was awesome to be part of the Bible-reading marathon once again. The one thing that inspired me was the children and teenagers who were courageous to read… On Friday I had a difficult time as my back spasmed, my right knee and left foot which regularly give me trouble were in pain. Even though it was hard to be there I am so glad I was.  The youth groups who came made it worth it. To see the Lord working in young adults and teenagers blessed my heart.  All glory to God on High.
Amanda Rathbone – supervisor and reader

By reading those Scriptures really move my heart and spirit. It really brought me to tears. I’ve never read Chronicles this way before, because I didn’t understand it. The more time I spent with the Lord and Holy Spirit the more my understanding increased.
2 Chronicles 6 and 7 has so much beauty and love especially chapter 6:40-42
Sanet du Preez

God is good and He spoke to me: That He is busy restoring me as Jerusalem, restoring my joy but I must be careful of every word the enemy say to me.  God is so faithful, but he is also building the house to His purpose.

Godfrey Roberts

God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and I realised more how great and large He is to cover Moses with His Hand only.
Godfrey Roberts

I experience during the Marathon, “the grace of God as a Father, His love and His love for His children.”
William Petzer

On Wednesday I read in the Book of Numbers about how King Balak pleaded with the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. What God has blessed nobody can curse. With the war raging in Israel this is a promise that Israel is still the apple of God’s eye. There is no divination or witchcraft against Jacob. God cannot lie.

It is Saturday morning, and the anointing of God is in this place. The Book of Galatians is much needed in the Church today. We must walk in the Spirit so that we will not fulfil the lust of the flesh. We are living in the last days therefore we must be holy and put on the full armour of God. Let’s redeem the time.
Anna Botha

Before I started reading, I asked the Lord to speak to me, and the side door blew open and a wind came in, I just felt His presence. Then in the middle of the book of Joel 2 the Holy Spirit just came over me while reading, and He just confirmed again His promises over my family. The Lord is so faithful, all glory to Him.
Vidette van Veijeren

Elke een wat God aanvaar as sy verlosser het ooreengekom oor die loon. Elke persoon se loon is die ewige lewe, ongeag van hoeveel tyd jy spandeer in die teenwoordigheid. Toe Jesus gekruisig was, het ‘n dwaas wat hom nie gevolg het nie was die ewige lewe beloof.

Ek kan getuig dat die Woord van God skerper is as ‘n twee snyende swaard wat deurdring to murg en been. Sy genade is so groot. Sy liefde groter en het geen einde nie. Dit kan ek dag vir dag getuig wat God vir my doen in Jesus.
Thys van Rensburg

The Lord gave me a promise (Exodus 23) in October 2021. Last year at my first Bible-reading marathon I got the same promise. This year again in October the Lord showed me the same promise. Three years in a row all in October. This last week I got Exodus 23 in an open slot I filled….. I once again got the same promise. 
Elmer Buys

Maandag – 23 Oktober 2023
Die aand was my hele lyf en bene verskriklik seer. Na 03h00 Dinsdagoggend lees ek Mattheus 4:23 en Jesus het deur die hele Galilea rondgegaan en in hulle sinegoges geleer en die Evangelie van die Koningryk verkondig en elke siekte en elke kwaal onder die volk genees. Terwyl ek bid is alle pyn weg.
Dinsdag – 24 Oktober 2023
Nog ‘n aanval van die vyand. Ek bid aanhoudend vir genesing. Ek kry weer koue koors deur die nag.
Woensdag – 25 Oktober 2023 (Bybellees Marathon)
Ek voel baie beter. Woensdagaand weereens het ek kouekoors. Ek sit my beanie en ge-isoleerde handskoene reg. Ek gaan Bybel lees ongeag die vyand se aanval. Ek bid tot die Here vir krag en genesing. Ek lees waar Moses die mense lei na die beloofte land. Veertig jaar om by die beloofte land uit te kom. Die Here sorg vir die mense en nogsteeds kla hulle. Dawid het Koning geword en afgedwaal van die Here dat hy moes vlug. Toe ek Spreuke 1-3 lees voel ek of ek oor die vingers getik word. Met Jesus se kruisiging toe kon ek nie lees nie. Ek wou net huil dat Jesus bereid was om te sterf vir ons sondes en siektes en dat ons ‘n ewige lewe kan be-erwe. Daar was al baie gevra: Is Jesus God? Ek kan ongelukkig nie teks gedeelte onthou nie, maar in die Bybel vra iemand vir Jesus hoe ken u Abraham omdat u nie eers vyftig jaar oud is nie en Jesus Antwoord voor Abraham was Ek. Aanvalle van die vyand het Donderdag aand gebeur terwyl ek lees waar die vyand vir my sê wat jy lees is nie waar nie. Ek het die vyand verwerp in Jesus naam en aan gehou lees. ‘n Paar dinge wat baie oor gepraat word in die Woord: geloof, liefde, nederigheid en liewer stil te bly as om iets dwaas te sê. Ek besef sonder Jesus is ek niks danksy sy genade en barmhartigheid en sy liefde kom alle eer en lof Hom toe. Tyd in Jesus se teenwoordigheid is kosbare tyd.
Marius du Toit

On Monday nights intercession, my one hand was glowing gold. Today, 27 October, both my hands were glowing and I felt swept up in the Spirit.  My 15 minutes felt like a few seconds.

I was asked to supervise in someone’s place, as I listened and followed, a memory of me and my parents fighting came up where the Lord gave me 1 Timothy 4:12 and as I looked in Scripture, the same verse was in front of me as a reminder of the promise.
Elmer Buys

Testimonies: Middelburg — October 19-22

Ronelle Bruwer, the first and the last to read at the Middelburg marathon

Tydens die Bybellees Marathon was ek toesighouer dus kon ek luister asook lees. Terwyl ek gelees het kon ek die Heilige Gees se teenwoordigheid aanvoel. Soos mense gelees het en ek gevolg het in die Bybel, het ek weereens besef hoe groot God se genade vir ons is. Van die gedeeltes wat ek gelees het, het my laat dink oor my geloofslewe, is ek daar waar God my wil hê? Ek dank die Here dat die BLM aan ons voorgestel is. Seënwense,
Elsa van Zyl.

Geraldene Petzer

Daar was ‘n stilte van die Heiligegees wat duidelik tasbaar was net die geklank van woord !
Geraldene Peltzer

My beurt het aangebreek om te lees tydens die Bybellees marathon. Ek was besig om die gebed van Dawid in 1 Kronieke 29 te lees toe ek besef het dat ek voel soos die vreemdeling — deels trauma, self verwyt en onopgeloste sake wat besig was om ‘n muur te bou tussen my en die Here. Die Here het sy Woord so hard en duidelik aan my openbaar dat ek in trane uitgebars het. Ek het myself gaan afsonder en my wese voor die Here uitgesort. Hy het my vergewe, vrygespreek. Al wat ek ervaar het was’ n warm, liefdevolle vrede. Onvergeetlik. Die Here gee om en het my so geseën.
Soekie Rossouw

Ellah Gwebu

I have experienced the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Hidden dark secrets came out of my house. My family’s dark evil secrets were revealed. Everything that was hidden from me came out. The cloud that was closing my eyes cleared up. I have seen the power of reading the Bible out loud during the Bible Reading Marathon again. From the first BRM in Middelburg I’ve experienced protection from diseases and illness. God is alive! Praise the Lord!
Ellah Gwebu.

Dit was vir my ‘n wonderlike ervaring en voorreg om te kon deelneem aan die Bybellees marathon. Ek was geïnspireerd deur die Heilige Gees, omdat my sig verswak het en ek nie meer uit ‘n gewone bybel kan lees nie. Met die BLM kon ek my “tablet” gebruik met baie groot skrif. Ek het nie toegelaat dat my sig probleem my weerhou van die BLM nie. Dit het geestelik vir my baie beteken en ek is bly dat ek my deel kon bydra. Alle eer aan Jesus Christus ons Heer en meester. Blessings.
Boet Strydom

Louis Hamman

28 jaar gelede is my seun in ‘n koma weens ‘n sport besering. Ek kry ‘n duidelike boodskap. “Jesus sê vat my na jou seun!” Oppad hospitaal toe wys die Here my dat Hy nie moet struikel oor die skuins paaltjies op die sypaadjie nie en opgehou word soos met Jaïrus se dogtertjie, daar herriner die Here my aan wat gebeur het met Jaïrus se dogtertjie. Hy was opgehou deur die vrou wat aan bloedvloeiing gely het en het twee dae later eers daar opgedaag. In hospitaal staan ek voor die bed en sê vir my seun  “ek het Jesus na jou toe gebring”. 

In my hele wese het ek so verwagting geskep. Die twee dae later toe ek oggend met my aankoms by die hospitaal instap met die groot verwagting vind ek my seun het gesterf.

Gedurende die Bybellees marathon lees ek  die drie gedeeltes hoe Jesus vertraag was deur die vrou wat aan bloedvloeiing gely het en nie betyds daar was om Jaïrus se dogter te genees nie. Hy het twee dae laat daar op gedaag en Hy kry die boodskap sy is alreeds dood. Hy wek haar toe uit die dood uit op! 

Na 28 jaar se siele vroeging en hartseer kry ek berusting en genesing, u sien ek het oor die paaltjies van ongeloof gestruikel. Jesus was daar om my kind hemel toe te neem. Ek wy my lewe op nuut aan die Here toe want ek sal my kind in die hemel sien. 

Die hardop lees van die skrifgedeelte gedurende die Bybellees marathon het dit lewendig in my gees gemaak. Alle eer en heerlikheid aan Jesus Christus die waarmaker van sy woord!

Louis Hamman

Testimonies: Kareedouw — October 24 to 28

The Bible Reading Marathon was an amazing source of confirmation to me. I had been praying about a specific situation, I received a specific scripture that gave me so much clarity, but I needed to look up where it is found. As I started reading my part, there I read the scripture I was looking for,  what an incredible experience! I thank God for using BRM in such a personal way.

Petra Herselman

Reading through some of the Minor Prophets I was struck once again by the immense patience and love of God! How time and time again, He lists the sins of Israel and then tells them that He is long-suffering and quick to forgive, if they would only turn from their sin. How grateful I am that He has not changed. He is the same today and forever!!
Inge West

Mariska Burger and Rianne Spijkerboer

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