God sends ‘angels’ from other provinces on healing missions to KZN

From the left, KwaZulu-Natal Anglican bishop Rubin Phillip and Pastor John Mathuhle of Senekal watching a bridge-building sports event in Phoenix

This week Gateway News received reports from two Christian leaders who were both led by the Holy Spirit to carry out healing missions in KwaZulu-Natal in the wake of the looting and unrest in South Africa that started in the province in July.

Interestingly, both of these leaders are based in other provinces and were sent to KZN like angels on heavenly assignments triggered by prayer.

Pastor John Mathuhle, who is from Senekal in the Free State. was dispatched to Phoenix, north of Durban, to build bridges of hope and healing in an area where communities were torn apart as the July unrest led to violence that claimed about 36 lives there and fanned racial tensions in the area.

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And Prophetess Beverley van Rensbrg of Cry of An Eagle Ministries in Gauteng said she was sent by God to KZN to mobilise prayer and worship on beaches to cleanse the region from much wickedness that had been birthed there.

Reporting on his mission, Pastor John said that watching media coverage in July of malls burning as thousands of people looted all they could get their hands on was like watch apocalyptic movies of the end of the world. It also brought back memories of October 16 last year where a tense standoff between angry farmers and armed EFF supporters in Senekal nearly turned into a bloody civil war.

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“Had the Lord not intervened through His Church across the nation, it only had to take one bullet or one throw of a stone for the whole situation to break into a blood bath ­– that’s how close it was,” he wrote.

But, in response to prayers of many believers throughout South Africa and beyond, God intervened, miraculously turning people’s hearts from conflict to reconciliation and community rebuilding. The experience left him and others in the Eastern Free State town feeling indebted to the nation and the world for standing with them in prayer, said John.

He said it was while he was praying, in a spirit of solidarity, into the recent KZN unrest that he felt compelled by the Lord to reach out to the community of Phoenix.

Together with ministry partners they arrived in Durban at the end of July and over a period of days God used them and local church and community leaders to share the Senekal testimony of hope and to launch significant peace and reconciliation initiatives. 

During this time the community of Phoenix signed a declaration of peace to denounce the killings during the unrest and to commit to a process of peace and community healing. John and his partners also watched a soccer march organised to promote unity and peace between the community of Phoenix and surrounding townships. And on Sunday August 1 they shared the Senekal miracle testimony at a pastors’ gathering organised to pray and define the role of the Church in bringing hope in the brokenness.

“One of the most critical things to realise as the Church in a town or city is that we are the gatekeepers and watchmen on the walls, anything that comes or goes out in the city must do so though the Church because we are one of God’s authorities – both in the spirit and physical realm in every city. We are to bring life and hope in the city and prophetically release God’s given destiny for our cities and towns.” John said.

He said leaders at the pastors’ meeting were encouraged by their testimonies and they later heard of pastors visiting affected families, praying with them, giving them food and showing the love and comfort of Christ.

“One pastor in particular by the name of Ps Joey Govender from Resurrection Life Centre, donated a brand new car to a lady by the name of Zandile Mthembu, whose car was set alight during the riots, as a gesture of building bridges between the Indian community and those surrounding areas.

The church in Phoenix is alive and busy building bridges of hope between communities during this difficult time, there are many other stories of just ordinary Christians and organisations doing the same in an effort to bring peace and healing,” he said.

From the left, Lucille Cornelius, and executive member of the Phoenix Peace Initiative, Barend Lagrange from South Africa Day Foeta Krige, a former SABC news executive, Marvin Govender of the Phoenix Rate Payers Association, and Pastor John Mathuhle. It was one of Pastor John and his ministry partners’ first meetings with Phoenix community leaders

After John and his partners left, local church leaders persuaded the EFF to rename a planned march from “March to Phoenix Against Racist Indians” to “March of Solidarity to Phoenix”.

“The march took place on Thursday and was joined by several pastors and organisations fighting for peace in Phoenix. The march was most peaceful, nothing was broken, nothing was destroyed, all because the Church acted with wisdom and courage,” said John.

Prophetess Beverley van Rensburg of Cry of An Eagle Ministries in Gauteng said that on July 23 the Lord told her to go to KZN to mobilise people to pray and worship Him on beaches throughout the province to cleanse the region from much wickedness that had been birthed there.

She said she arrived in KZN on August 15 and began to call on people to join and prepare for the beaches campaign. Many people came on board and last Saturday (August 21) groups went to Alkantstrand beach near Richards Bay, Umhlanga Rocks beach, and Cuttings beach at Merebank, Durban. They were on the beaches from 12pm to 4pm as instructed by the Lord, she said.

Beverley van Rensburg, left, with a beachgoer, Armand, who asked if he could join the prayer group on Alkantstrand beach near Richards Bay last Saturday

She said they worshiped with flags, prayed, sounded shofars and handed out Scriptures on masks, leaflets, stones and shells.

“We just called on God. It was an awesome, awesome day. So many people came to know the Lord. There are testimonies from others on other beaches that led people to the Lord. There were those who even met up with sangomas. And it was amazing how God put this whole thing together so we could turn curses into blessings — we could divorce KZN from from all this wickedness and ungodliness and break soul ties,” she said.

On hearing from Gateway News about the beaches campaign, Pastor John said he trusted the testimonies of the missions to KZN from other provinces “will encourage our nation to reach out irrespective of where the problem is”.

In his report on the bridgebuilding initiatives in Phoenix he wrote: “This showed the significance of a Church that carries hope in middle of the crisis, that it carries more influence to change history and save a nation from civil war.

“Hearing these testimonies about the work of the church in Phoenix and Senekal reminded me of this Scripture in Romans 8:19-20 — For the whole creation waits eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.

“I truly believe we are living in one of the most significant dispensations of a great revival in the history of the Church. The brokenness and happenings around the world creates a perfect opportunity for the Church to plant seeds of revival, which will give great harvest in the Kingdom.

“Our communities and the nation is bleeding and crying for alternative voices of hope to be revealed, the voices of wisdom, hope and healing that will lead them into the rest of the Father. We need to step up to be strategically positioned at the right time to give hope. In this time those who give hope will carry more influence to lead the nations into the kingdom rest of the Lord.

“Let the Church of Christ arise; let us not miss this opportunity to be the bridge of hope and healing.

“Creation Is Waiting For The True Church, The Son Church To Be Revealed And Bring Hope!”

One Comment

  1. Glory to God! I hosted and was with Beverley van Rensburg on the beach in Richards Bay, for four months prior to this event l suffered excruciating pain from gallstones and on 21st August 2021 l lifted up my gold flags praising God and was instantly healed! Since then l have not had any pain or discomfort whatsoever! HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD!

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