Godly ‘economic freedom’ for SA is focus of Vereeniging conference

Laying a Biblical foundation to unlock the wealth and resources of South Africa and eradicate the scourge of poverty, endemic unemployment and hopelessness, are the objectives of a pioneering economic conference in the Sharpeville Community Hall in Vereeniging on Saturday, July 7.

Christians are invited to register online for free to attend the “Birthing the foundation for our economic freedom” celebration conference, says Patrick Kuwana, of Crossover Transformation Group, which is hosting the gathering.

“One of the great revival pioneers of the gospel in the Vaal area and in South Africa, Bishop Dr P F Molefe will take the role of spiritual father for the day and lead a time of prayer, confession and weeping before the Lord Almighty for the ‘defilement and sin’ we have allowed to prevail over the land God has blessed us with (Ezra 10:1),” says Kuwana.

“This will be followed by a call to action by speakers who will share practical ideas on how we can build a Godly foundation that ushers in God’s outpouring of economic prosperity on the nation and continent (Isaiah 62:10). Finally the trumpet call will be made for the ‘army’ of the Lord to be mobilized into full action to fulfil the economic plans of God over this land (Joel 2:1-11),” he says.

Critical questions that the conference will address include:

  • Why are we seeing global financial market meltdown and economies collapsing?
  • How do we bring about sustainable economic growth in South Africa and across Africa?
  • What do we need to do to bring about economic transformation and eradicate systemic poverty?
  • What is God’s plan for wealth creation and provision for the world
  • How do we contribute towards government’s five key priority areas of education, health, rural development, employment creation and fighting crime?

Prophetic significance
The venue and the date of the conference are prophetically significant. Vereeniging was the birthplace of the South African nation with the signing of the Peace Treaty of Vereeniging in 1902 to signal the end of the Anglo-Boer war.  It was also the birthplace for the struggle for South African human rights and political freedom in 1960 when the Sharpeville Massacre occurred. And it was the birthing place of the new South Africa when the first democratic constitution was signed there by President Nelson Mandela in 1996. Vereeniging means unity – ‘to gather together in agreement’   

“We believe that the Lord is now calling for Sharpeville,Vereeniging to be the birthplace for the struggle for economic freedom of South Africa, and that this victory will be achieved through the body of Christ gathering together in agreement on this mandate,” says Kuwana.

Regarding the date, Saturday, July 7, 2012? (Hebraic calendar – 17 Tamuz 5772), he says Saturday signifies the Sabbath – the day of God’s rest. The day of the conference is also the 7th day of the 7th month: Number 7 signifies spiritual perfection and fullness or completion. It is the number of Covenant and of the Holy Spirit.

The year 2012 is also significant: Number 12 signifies perfection of government. It is the number of the Church, both the Old Covenant church of Israel founded by the 12 tribes and the New Messianic Church founded by the 12 Apostles

“It is time that we understand that the fullness of God’s blessing cannot flow through an economic foundation that violates His principles. We can pray, fast, and declare God’s promises every day but the fullness of the blessing will not flow unless we have built on a Kingdom foundation,” says Kuwana.

Speakers include

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  • Bishop Dr PF Molefe: One of the founders of the Evangelical Movement of South Africa and pioneer of the gospel in the Vaal area and South Africa since the 1950’s.(63 years in ministry)
  • Patrice Tsague: Founder and Chief Servant Officer of Nehemiah Project based in Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Ben Franklin: Founder of Franklin Wealth Advisors based in Illinois, USA
  • Patrick Kuwana: Transformational Entrepreneur with Crossover Transformation Grou
  • Nissi Ekpott: Entrepreneur, business developer and catalyst for African restoration with BizConnect Afrika and Afribiz.net
  • Professor AT Motsoane: Academic,  author and publisher of several books.
  • Adriaan Adams: Executive Director and founder of FTLT – Focus Team Leadership Training, and passionate about training the mission leaders of tomorrow.
  • Apostle AP Daniels: A Christian leader and entrepreneur involved in the construction industry.

The conference will run from 8.30am to 4pm on Saturday July 7. Entrance is free but delegates must register as there is only space for 500 people.

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