God’s love, miracles flowing in America — Lindy-Ann Hopley


A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international revivalist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.

Greetings from the US of A!

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America for Jesus!

What an adventure!

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#BeautifulWitnessMinistries #USACOASTTOCOASTGLORYTOUR2017

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I am currently sitting at a tiny coffee shop in Playa del Rey, Los Angeles, writing to you.

You will love all the testimonies of what God has done over the last month! He never ceases to amaze!

Despite the fact that I was told to pack for chilly to cold weather — it is boiling! I am in my newly attained swimsuit, sarong and beach hat! I’m staying right next to the beach and loving it!

As is the norm on my travels — there have been so many unplanned last minute exciting gifts, surprises and preaching invitations. I loooove how God knows what I love!!! Flight vouchers, buddy passes and more! #ilovesurprises #faithingit

Since I last wrote, I have been to Florida, Washington DC (again) and LA.

Florida just had the hurricane and was ready for the healing hurricane of the Holy Spirit — Acts 2. Like a mighty rushing wind He came indeed.

I had the honour of meeting general in the faith, Gary Oates, in Europe whilst on my last tour and he became like a dad overnight. He picked me up from the airport in Orlando and spoke life, encouragement and words of wisdom over me like a dad. He connected me and took me to my first meeting in Orlando.

The group meets on Mondays and is called “Lifestyle Christianity”.

Watch as God heals and activates people!

Gold dust started to break out, out of “nowhere” too! Signs that make you wonder.

During my time, I got to stay at a “resort” with one of my awesome friends Cheryl. Like a queen in her little nest. Swimming, relaxing, and driving in her convertible worshipping together! Going to meetings. Fun! I am so blessed by the family I have in Christ.

Wednesday night I was at River of Life church — amazing miracles and impartation took place!

God is so fun — He even organised two complimentary tickets to Universal Studios Florida!!! Yeah!

I took my friend Elena who I met at Bethel. We had the hopper pass and did we hop! Everywhere we went we got upgraded to the express line — favour!

On Saturday I got to take out a small group of people to the University to go love on people — Evangelism Activation.

Guess where we ended up … a frat party!

My heart broke seeing how the girls put themselves on display. Booze, butts and boobs everywhere. I wanna speak more into the lives of young people. But God — it was EPIC!!!

MUST watch these testimonies!

This girl literally hit the floor as I started prophesying over her and she encountered the Father — a beautiful salvation took place.

Sunday it was church — I spoke at Acts 2 church — and that’s what happened! Like a mighty rushing wind.

Lunch with some of my favourite ladies in Orlando followed. So grateful for friends across the globe!

The next evening I was at The Front gathering in Bradenton. My friend Erin from America but living in SA connected me to them when I was already in the US. Last minute God things!

The night before the shooting in Vegas I had a dream that someone tried shooting me — this is why I named the Facebook post what I did.

This was a VERY EXCEPTIONAL WOW GOD evening!

I got feedback afterwards: The lady who got out of the wheelchair went to the doctor a few days after receiving her miracle. He was shocked and amazed, as they had said she would never be able to walk again.

They took her off ALL of her medication! Medically proven miracle!

Yes Jesus!!!! He is so good! Able and more than WILLING!!!

What a blast!

From Florida I returned to Washington DC for Awaken the Dawn and Rise Up.

I went with my friend Julie — she is such a championer of Christ in me and would introduce me to the world if she could! You need these kind of people in your life!

She got me invited to some leaders meeting where I unexpectedly ran into my Pastor Bill Bennett from back home! Small world! He then introduced me to all these amazing God people like Bob Perry. Bob then had me praying for some of the event speakers! How the Lord works. Crazy!

Lindy-Ann Hopley with Julie Nowacki, Jonathan Tremaine Thomas, Bob Perry, and Bill Bennett.

It was an amazing event at the National Mall — the US Capitol — with four days of nonstop prayer and worship. President Trump flew overhead in a helicopter at some point too!

Watch some fun testimonies …

A little feedback snippet from me at the DC Airport.

Miracles at the airport followed…

The metal bird bus in the sky departed for the West Coast from there.

L-A in LA.

I met Pastor Ben in Cape Town and it turned into an invitation to preach at their annual conference alongside some amazing people and to do a women’s meeting.

My session was on Friday night. It was my first time preaching alongside other speakers — new things!

Watch one minute of it here:

The whole thing is online.

I had loads of fun during the week at Venice Beach!

Myself and Brandon Gatson doing Kingdom at the beach!

Anointed Women’s Conference was next in the heart of downtown LA.

It was a small group of women, but powerful!

You can watch it all live on my Facebook page.

God even filled a lady’s tooth cavity!

Watch here:

Whilst in DC I ended up leading one of the outreach teams. Afterwards a lady in the group approached me “I am a pastor’s wife and would love you to come teach our church”. That is how I met Tess (in the purple) and her husband Pastor Cordero and ended up preaching at WIN church LA this past Sunday.

The glory erupted!!!

“Some people call it Evangelism — I call it the Father’s Heart of God” — Lindy-Ann.

And now it’s me at the beach…

Getting ready to head up north to Vacaville and Bethel for Leaders conferences. Relax and Receive and Refresh. I think. I will let you know next month what happened.

From there it is to Nigeria for one of my heroes Evangelist Reinhardt Bonnke Passing the Torch final crusade.

Stay tuned — you don’t want to miss next month’s update!

That’s a glimpse into what the Lord has been doing through Beautiful Witness Ministries this past month!

It’s been an honour to live it and to write of it, of Him.

Make sure to FOLLOW me on Facebook Lindy-Ann Hopley to be notified of live stuff and LIKE Lindy-Ann Beautiful Witness Ministries page.

And if you want to sow into what God’s doing across the earth and be a spiritual beneficiary of our ministry — prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner or giving a one off donation.

Email: Partner@beautifulwitnwess.com for our SA banking details.
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Go for gold! Pray. Live. Love.

Lots of love and fire
Beautiful Witness

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