Good-news stories that stood out in 2012!

[notice]Here are links to 12, memorable good news stories — one for each month — that appeared in Gateway News in 2012. [/notice]


Irish builders making school dream come true – Cheerful Irish volunteers defy a PE heatwave to help local Christian project make a difference in education.


Cape taxi bosses looking to God to end violent rivalry – After decades of warfare that often spilled over into the community, Western Cape taxi bosses trust Jesus to change their hearts. And according to pastors close to the taxi industry, 10 months after this story was published, the taxi bosses are still trusting God to transform their industry!

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Red Bull “Jesus walks on water” TV ad pulled after a day – Christians speak out against a blasphemous ad campaign and are heard!


SA prisons launch 50 days of prayer for revival — Cell groups take on a new meaning as prisoners in all provinces of SA pray for 50 days


Farm worker and water miracle lead farmer to Jesus —  An amazing story of what can happen as a result of prayer and radical obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

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House Of Bread restaurant “breaking down church walls” in Bloemfontein — A visionary new restaurant is bringing Christians together in Bloemfontein.


SA gospel musician, wife, feeding hungry crowd “by grace of God” — What started as an act of compassion to an old lady who was scratching in a refuse bag in front of their house, developed into feeding hundreds of people at their home every week.


MEGA lessons from thriving Nigerian churches! — SA pastor draws inspiration from visit to Nigeria.


Evangelist awed by schools’ hunger for Christian posters — Veteran evangelist completes his most successful outreach ever, visiting 244 schools on amazing 17-day road trip.


Spirit of repentance released over Rustenburg at historic reconciliation rally — Angus Buchan leads moving ‘New Beginning’ rally to unite people after mine unrest and shooting deaths at Marikana


Van verlore asgat tot plek van hoop — A heartwarming story of reaching out in faith and love. It shows how a small act of kindness in the name of Jesus can spread and grow beyond expectations.


Pro-life sticker activist saves baby from abortion – It was a pleasure to report on Peter Throp celebrating the rescue of a baby as a result of his Value Life sticker campaign. The City of Cape Town is prosecuting him for placing pro-life stickers over illegal abortion advertisements.

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