Originally published in Faithwire News
In a Facebook post that perfectly proves Isaiah 59:1, a great-great-grandfather accepted Jesus and got baptised, after decades of putting the decision on the back burner, out of sight and out of mind.
The decision was spurred on as health issues began to mount and the reality of our own mortality as humans consumed his mind. He started contemplating the bigger picture and had a dire realisation about the fate of his soul. He ultimately chose to accept Christ and get baptised, as his great-granddaughter explained in a sweetly beautiful Facebook post:
“Pawpaw Lindy is, like Darnell said tonight, a good man. He is honest and has always tried to do right by everyone. He has always worked. He has farmed. He has gone to Sardis and been a member for a LONG time. He has been married to Mawmaw Margie for over 70 years. He has raised a large and decent family: 3 children, 7 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.
But, also like Darnell said tonight, being/doing good won’t get you to heaven. (“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” — Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV)
So, last week, at the age of 90 (91 this coming Sunday), Pawpaw Lindy got saved.
Tonight, he was baptized.
God is good, y’all!
You may think it’s too late— it’s not. You may think you’re too far gone— you’re not. BUT GOD.
“If I die, I know I’m going to hell”
Those were the words of 90-year-old Lindy Cummings (Pawpaw Lindy), a farmer from Georgia, USA, who had successfully raised a large family, which includes great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild, as he began contemplating the fate of his soul.
“He has been having some health issues lately, mainly just what comes with being almost 91,” Lindy’s great-granddaughter Lindsey Robinson tells Faithwire. “He said he remembers when he was a boy, he said he was saved,” Robinson explains. “He basically said he just did not think he actually understood, at such a young age, the true magnitude of such a decision.”
So, just this past weekend, “Pawpaw Lindy” as he’s affectionately known, placed any and all shortcomings and sin from his past at the foot of the cross. He accepted Jesus and wanted to get baptized immediately.
“He had my great-grandmother (Mawmaw Margie) call our preacher to come to their home,” Lindsay explains. “My Pawpaw’s exact words were, ‘If I die, I know I’m going to hell.’ Our preacher came to my great-grandparents’ house, and he talked with him and prayed with him. He accepted Christ. Then, the 22nd, he was baptized at our evening service at church. That is what the picture is… one of his nephews and our preacher helped him into the water and it took the both of them to get him under the water and back up. He had children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and his one great-great-grandchild out in the pews looking on. The picture is just before our preacher took him under the water.”
Below is the picture she’s referencing, which has now gone viral:
Lindsey was overwhelmed at the response, not knowing it would spark such a deep reaction among thousands and thousands of strangers.
“It is so crazy to me that the picture and message I posted about Pawpaw Lindy last night has gone viral,” she wrote on Facebook. “I did not post it with the intention of having almost 1 500 likes, over 500 shares, and over 250 comments. That’s what has happened, though, and the likes, comments, and shares are still rolling in.”
Her favourite part of all the attention? “I love that the post is about Jesus. I love that every comment on that post is positive and singing praises to Him. I love that people are saying they now have hope for their lost loved ones. The glory is His,” she explained.
There are times when social media is just awful. We all stare at our phones, ignoring the people around us and watch as the anonymous bicker and fight and divide. Then, a post like this comes along and helps balance everything out.
“Think of how many people have seen that picture of the Gospel (that God saves even the oldest of sinners) just since last night all because friends, family, and strangers from other states have “liked” that post or clicked the “share” button. Think of how many will see it,” Lindsey says.
“Social media doesn’t have to always be a bad thing. There is a lot of bad news shared daily. I’m glad some good news is flooding Facebook, and it’s not just any good news— it’s THE Good News.”
Amen! And praise God for another soul saved. Thank you, Jesus, for sparing this man’s life for 90+ years so when you do finally call him home, it will be as a child of God.