Greytown businessman healed at Angus Buchan service in Israel

Clive Tedder (third from left) with his family.
Clive Tedder (third from left) with his family members from the left, Hannah, James, Leah, Jenni (wife) and Micaela.

Greytown businessman Clive Tedder says he wept like a baby early on Saturday (October 11, 2014) morning after he realised that God had miraculously healed his heart after farmer-evangelist Angus Buchan prayed for him during a church service in Jerusalem on Friday night.

Tedder who was visiting Jerusalem for the third consecutive year to assist Buchan during his ministry at the annual Christian Feast of Tabernacles, says he had a fibrillating heart condition for about seven years after refereeing a rugby match while suffering from flu.

“I was told by the cardiologist I would probably be on medication for the rest of my life. Over the last two to three years the dosage of this medication has had to be increased. Two weeks ago I had a severe attack of arterial fibrillation’s. I was hospitalised with slight chest pain and placed on an ECG — the result was not good .

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“The next day my cardiologist was contacted and he, under the knowledge that I was travelling to Israel with Angus Buchan in three days, went for a conservative route. I could go to Israel, was given extra medication, including walfrin and a nitrate spray. His office then booked me an appointment in a heart Hospital in Durban on my return from Israel to have a Cardio Version (to shock my heart back into rhythm). If this was unsuccessful he would then have to insert a pacemaker .I am 47 years old, fit and love an array of sport, so this idea was not too welcoming for me,” says Tedder.

He says his heart was beating erratically at 80 to 100 beats a minute when he and Buchan arrived in Israel on Friday at the start of a whirlwind weekend visit to Israel. That evening Buchan preached to a South African touring group at St Anne’s Church at the site of the pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the lame man (John 5:1-15).

Anointing for healing
“Uncle Angus preached on this scripture to a South African touring group. After his inspiring Holy Spirit filled message, the Lord laid it on his heart to anoint all who were trusting for and had faith for healing. I don’t think there was a person who didn’t come forward. I came up last trusting for healing for my heart.

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“The next morning when I woke up early for my quiet time, I quickly checked my pulse. It was beating at a steady 52 beats per minute. The only explanation I have for this is that I had been miraculously healed by Jesus. I had taken no heart medication since the previous morning. I then did 100 push-ups and rested for a few minutes – my heart beat quickly returned to 52 beats per minute. At this point I broke down and wept knowing that Jesus had touched and healed me. After much weeping and giving thanks to Almighty God, I went across and with tears of joy, shared my testimony with Uncle Angus. Jesus had indeed healed my heart.”

Today (Tuesday, October 14), four days later, Tedder says his heart is still beating steadily and he had taken no further medication.

“I have a ‘new’ heart. All praise and thanks to my Heavenly Father. I will be visiting the doctor for a follow up ECG just to prove how miraculous my healing has been !! “


  1. PRAISE Jesus !! Isn’t it interesting that there is an appointed time that God knows so well ! Whereas Tedder could have been healed right there in Greytown, either directly with no intermediary – or with Angus praying for him – no, it was ordained in heaven that the healing was scheduled via Uncle Angus in Jerusalem. Gods’ thoughts and ways are definitely not ours !! I am jubilant for Tedder and in awe of our Father !!

  2. Clive we exhalt HIM with you and may you enjoy fullness of life.Go well my friend

  3. Prys Hom wat wonders doen!!

  4. Prys ons wonderlike Hemelse Vader! Nog ‘n getuienis van Sy Wonderdade.

  5. Amen. I so believe in miracles and the power of Jesus and love hearing stories of His Love and Power.

  6. Praise Him who can and does make ALL things new!!

  7. I was also healed from a debilitating disease at the pools of Bethesda last year in September. When our tour host Jenny Bowes from Kloof was reading John 5 “do you want to be made well?” The Holy Spirit within me answered YES! Early the next morning I awoke fully restored – able to breath normally and in no pain. Jesus does heal and if you have “been in that condition a long time” and have nearly given up – DON’T. God’s Holy Spirit has said YES and “by his stripes” you ARE healed.

  8. Absolutely awesome praise the Lord for all he does I pray he heals my sisterhave asked the prayer team for help as well what a wonderful God

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