Groupon SA promoting Playboy magazine as parent company stops porn campaigns in US

While Groupon in the United States has reportedly stopped promoting pornographic campaigns, it appears that Groupon South Africa is promoting Playboy South Africa magazine.

The Groupon about-turn in America follows an anti-porn consumer action campaign by Christian-based organisation, Morality In Media, which resulted in more than 20 000 people cancelling their Groupon memberships.

A “shocked” Gateway News reader emailed us this week pointing out that discount coupon company Groupon SA is currently promoting a special on the Playboy South Africa magazine, which features topless women but does not show full frontal nudity. The offer which includes a 12 months subscription to a digital version of the magazine and 50 pages of unspecified extra content each month, is described by Groupon as an ideal Father’s Day gift.

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Gateway News has asked Groupon SA to comment on its position on promoting porn in view of Groupon US’s decision to stop offering porn-related deals. We are still awaiting a response.

“We urge South Africans to boycott Groupon until they stop promoting pornography,” says Taryn Hodgson, international co-ordinator of Christian Action Network.

“There is nothing free about pornography – not for the performers (who are often harmed in the making of porn), the victims of users and not even for the users themselves. It is an abuse of the freedom of speech. If Groupon could hear the tragic stories of counselling ministries that have to deal with the consequences of widely available pornography, they would not be so brazenly promoting it,” she says.

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Family Policy Insitute Director Errol Naidoo said he would make contact with Groupon SA and request them to stop promoting pornography.

Christian apologist and author Josh McDowell, who recently launched a website to raise awareness about pornography, says that “pervasive sexuality and pornography” are the biggest threat to the Church because they threaten to destroy Christian families.

One Comment

  1. I have sent the following to Groupon:
    If you persist in promoting Playboy, myself and many more farmers here in the Eastern Cape will NOT use your product.
    This is also being sent to the Mighty Men Conference head office( there is also a Mighty Women Con. now)and women dont take kindly to Porn…
    Perhaps you should reply to Gateway news and let us know where you stand, you seem to have a good product but we will not use it untill Playboy is out of the picture.
    It would be nice to see your company has a social conscience.
    Thank you
    E Taljaard.
    Concordia farm.

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